the thread about nothing...

Pretty sure meth mentioned before mods are not paid.

He was thanking them in a post for all their unpaid time and such

I think it was a thread about NT giving money to a good cause (maybe the library in vietnam).
We need that backstory patna
Background before that: I'm naturally introverted. I spend most of my time alone, often focused on my studies/gym etc.At the same time, I have no problems making friends at all; I'm a somewhat cool dude. Therefore, having feelings for women and all that comes with it isn't for me. 

- meet a chick in one of my classes. We click, almost immediately. At this point, I'm already worried. 

- At some point, I went out of my way to tell her I don't do relationships, don't really f*** with people in general etc. and that didn't scare her off like I hoped it would.

- Time passes, we're talking about hanging out etc. I become more bothered/frustrated because this isn't me. I'm not supposed to have feelings for chicks, yo. That's not me.

- I eventually cut contact with her, but I thoroughly explained why I'm doing so because I feel she's at least owed that much. Nine times out of ten, once I officially cut contact with someone, it's closed curtains. We don't know each other, no courtesy etc. none of that, even if I feel sorry. She wasn't the first chick I cut ties with and I usually stop giving a damn after a few days, but for some reason this one bothered me. She was actually cool with saying hi once in a while, but I wasn't even with that. I'm serious with this.

- I discuss the issue with my people. I genuinely feel sorry, but what do I look like cutting someone off for life then going back on what I said because I feel I should apologize?  For one, I feel like a punk for that. Reason two is the other person would see it like I'm trying to be cool with them again. I was just gonna tough it out and get over it with time, as time heals all wounds. My friends are telling me things like "Well, you don't know what she thinks. Maybe you should reach out etc."

- I foolishly listen to said friends and reach out. I explained my situation (why I do what I do, cut people off etc.), and specifically said I'm open to saying hi once in a while/friends (just to relieve the awkward tension when we cross paths, really) but in no way did I say I want to be a friend or want anything. I verbatim said I'm not asking for anything. I said I'm open to these things, which to me literally means debating why this should/should not occur. 

- She interprets it as me cutting her off then wanting to be her friend again (exactly what I'm talking about right, which pissed me off because I thought I did a damn good job specifying everything. I don't like leaving things open to interpretation. I told her that I guess my original plan worked, which was cutting contact with her and that's that.

- At first, I was kinda sad but then I realized I did all I could. I usually never apologize for anything like this, and the one time that I do they misinterpret it and blow it out of proportion after I did a damn good job explaining my side and pointing out that I'm not asking for anything. I cleared my conscience, so I'm good. She probably had her female friends hyping her up and/or she simply didn't comprehend what I was saying. Regardless, she can eatadick until further notice.

This whole situation confirms that my gut feeling was the better option and that I was a fool for listening to people who told me otherwise. You see what happens when you consider other people's feelings in situations like this? You end up with garbage.

Again, lesson learned.
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Gotcha [emoji]128077[/emoji] but if you feel people are repeatedly ignoring your warnings maybe you're not the person to lead or speak for the group. As I said appreciate your concern but there is a difference between wise advice & beating a dead horse. I still love you though beh [emoji]128536[/emoji]
I just remind people. You can keep the sarcasm. Y'all do what  y'all want.
@DahStoryTella I am similar in how I deal with people to a degree but fam you kinda got issues you may not be aware of. I say this because I know I do and I operate in a similar manner.
 Oh, I definitely have issues, not just kinda. That's why I tend to push away if I get too close or fear getting too close to someone. It's like every 4-10 months, I end up cutting someone off (usually females) for the same reasons: I keep to myself most of the time. People think I'm playing when I say this, but seriously, being extroverted/putting myself out there actually stresses me out and takes a lot of energy. At the same time, I have no problems making friends. 
 Oh, I definitely have issues, not just kinda. That's why I tend to push away if I get too close or fear getting too close to someone. It's like every 4-10 months, I end up cutting someone off (usually females) for the same reasons: I keep to myself most of the time. People think I'm playing when I say this, but seriously, being extroverted/putting myself out there actually stresses me out and takes a lot of energy. At the same time, I have no problems making friends. 

Well I salute you for recognizing and admitting that because that is something a lot of people choose not to do. We all have to do what makes us comfortable but also you gotta try and conquer your triggers sometimes as well. I am right there with you on trust & abandonment issues (which majority of times can be why we push relationships away) but in this scenario you have to understand how she might have got a mixed signal and at the end of the day she just liked you and was looking for friendship. And even though it went haywire if you look at it in reality it's nothing to get too worked up over fam. We learn from our experiences and no reason to be mad you had an emotion of being kind to someone you kind of liked. Gotta catch yourself sometimes with the unnecessary stress especially if you are prone to it. Just some friendly advice from someone who might get where you're coming from. :\
I just remind people. You can keep the sarcasm. Y'all do what  y'all want.

I was'nt being sarcastic I meant every word I said. [emoji]128536[/emoji]

On a side note I'm going to take a break from swimming in the volcano for a minute. See ya'll in a few TAN.
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beh235 beh235 I respect your thread OGness but you kinda turning into a thread Nazi. At this rate you bout to make it TAS (Thread About Silence).

Meth has not complained in here in quite a while if I recall correctly?

This lol
Dude is acting like the Reggaeton dude.
Like yes we got the rules, but you not getting the point that we trying to ignore you.
We talk about EVERYTHING here. Lol yet ironically we call it Thread about NOTHING [emoji]128523[/emoji][emoji]128523[/emoji]
Lesson learned, bruh! Never swallow your pride. Almost every time I swallow my pride and do something that goes against my gut feeling, it goes wrong. I end up feeling like a lame for wasting my time even bothering. I can't even be mad at my friends telling me to do it, but I'm mad at myself for listening. I should know better. I maxed out my "simp status" card and now have to buy a new one.

Essentially: There are some things you shouldn't feel sorry for. If you do, you shouldn't openly admit it. 
what you getting at bro, bro i saw "simp status"and i automatically thought [COLOR=#red]FEMALE[/COLOR]


Nvm , went back found your story and sounds like there is some issues you need to work out with yourself my man
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He's right though. Meth has made numerous posts in here to tell us to chill on everything beh said.

Back in the og days :lol:

But it has been a long time since I have seen him in here set tripping but I could be wrong? :nerd:

Doesn't matter. It was made clear that we need to monitor eachother on the "rules" of TAN because a mod cannot be in here every minute because it cab move quite quickly.

If we don't follow the rule the thread could be closed any time without notice.

Let's all make an effort to make sure we never get to that point that's all.
Question.... If this is the THREAD ABOUT NOTHING why are dudes in here heated over what topics should and shouldnt be discussed if its the thread about NOTHING??? Youre telling me this thread shouldnt even exist then.
Anyone ever hit a chick wit a fake ***? Whats it feel like? Is it a noticeable difference between fat transfer and implant?
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