the thread about nothing...

650 is very doable with decent work. I could see myself getting close to 700 if i work a lot on it. But closing in on 750 seems like way too much work :lol:

A guy from my HS got 770 recently :wow:dude is a straight up nerd though it's like he been studying for that his whole life.
stanford standards are :sick:

youre gonna be pursuing your MBA soon too right?
Chill Sunday. Making moves to have only 5-6 pairs of shoes. All that stuff took space.

Doesn't hurt as much as selling off my Ninja Turtle figures. :rolleyes
How i see you at the gym on a regular basis for well over a year and u still a fat *****?


How i see you at the gym on a regular basis for well over a year and u still a fat *****?

Nice find. Mine recently stopped reading discs so I have to order a new laser from ebay. $11 shipped isn't so bad.

Easy to install? My one slims laser broke but I have another slim and now a fat..I've had 4 total lol
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