the thread about nothing...

Easy to install? My one slims laser broke but I have another slim and now a fat..I've had 4 total lol

Never done it but I'm up for the challenge. I think there's some de-soldering involved but looks straight forward.

Haha, wow. I have two fat ps2's but I'd still like to fix this one since it's the original one purchased by my mom
(Christmas gift)
Never done it but I'm up for the challenge. I think there's some de-soldering involved but looks straight forward.

Haha, wow. I have two fat ps2's but I'd still like to fix this one since it's the original one purchased by my mom
(Christmas gift)

Watch YouTube videos on how to install

Did all my paperwork today by 9 pm. Basically just killing time until someone relieves me at 11 pm. Bored out of my mind.
I have a rule about killing bugs.

If I'm outside in "their house" I leave them be.

But if they come into my house ima kill em.
I have a rule about killing bugs.

If I'm outside in "their house" I leave them be.

But if they come into my house ima kill em.


It was cool to see how their colony or nest or whatever looked. Made intricate.

Place ive been doing yardwork at there was a giant root they wanted removed. I used the pick axe to pry it up and snapped it out and there was a colony of ants inside. They were scrambling picking up their eggs
Serious question

Would y'all cut off a friend who's sexually involved in a girl that liked you first but you ignored so she moved on to him out of spite?mind you I was always nice to this girl and bought her food before cuz she didn't have money. This friend also tried to play dumb at first when I confronted him and said nothing was going on which is a lie. Then he later said he got oral from said girl.
You ignored her and she moved on. If you liked her like you say you did youd have made a move
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