the thread about nothing...

I can't find a job for ****. :smh:
Honestly it is really tough to find a job right now. I'm in the same boat as you but you know what you just gotta keep on applying. My homie told me if you really want a job you'll get one as long as you keep the determination up. If in one day you send out 5 and get nothing, then the next day you gotta send out 10. If that 10 don't get answered, then send out 15 the next time and the next time etc. moral is just keep trying and you'll eventually get something just stay persistent. We got this fam. We'll get a job as long as we keep trying. Let's get it, my G!
That’s that work ethic that’ll open doors. I’ve been there, fellas. Sucks to be in that storm but instead of being miserable and soaked, keep moving until you find shelter
Morning TAN,

The universe will never pay you out more than the value you bring to the world and others.

Some call it Karma. Some call it Blessings. Some call it Deeds..

What good have you given or done for someone? Without the praise and glory?

What you put out will return to you 2x fold.

Hug someone. Smile at someone. Pay it forward. Share information.

It will return!

TAN let’s spread some love to the world !!!

Let’s Goooooooo!!!!!

Firmly don’t believe that. Donald Trump is all the proof I need that it’s best to take care of yourself and your peoples with cold calculated logic.
Firmly don’t believe that. Donald Trump is all the proof I need that it’s best to take care of yourself and your peoples with cold calculated logic.

How another man dictates your life fam?!?

There’s balance. Good and Evil. Humility and Pride. Selfish vs Selfless.

Where you stand?

Peace and Blessing fam.

Get it how you can.
I stand on the side of effort and money. Lot of people say a lot of sweet words but they aren’t out here paying off my student loans or helping me get my life situated.

But I agree. It’s our worlds only chance. I’m on the side of never judging people harshly. We’re all in this together.
Been off of TAN for a minute.

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year and to be focused on the blessings and what you got. Don’t worry about other and their gains. Find your rythm and enjoy it. I recently had the flu and was out of it. Took my mental health in a downward spiral but overcame it much faster than before. I’m looking at life in a different way and just trying to do that day by day. Hope these words help someone in need.

For the dude looking for a job and frustrated. Keep looking and just go out and take a walk do something you love find a hobby. That has helped me on the bad days. Hope you find something soon and for everyone else have a great day.
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