the thread about nothing...


"In case no one has told you today:

You're strong.
Your'e special.
You're needed.
You're alive for a reason.
Never give up, stay positive. Every day is a new opportunity to change your life. You have the power to say this is not how my story ends!!! You're the author of your life"

Have a Marvelous Monday.
I bought a black Barcelona hat about 3 weeks ago.
I cant freakin find it! I was looking for it all weekend.

i remember hearing a snippet of this at 12 years old back in '03 and i had to find out what it was which led me to illmatic and i thought it was the greatest rap album i ever heard and come to find out a few years later on message boards it was considered the greatest rap album ever lol :lol:

Oddly enough I was bumping this album omw to school this morning
Wasnt worth it for me bro.. Not at all. Hopefully you find success
I figure why the hell not, I keep seeing a bunch positive reviews posted in the Yams thread about it. Always thought online dating was weird and for people with social issues but I guess its not, anymore atleast
Wrote an article on my blog about summer sneakers. I got the inspiration from just walking around Nike SoHo yesterday.

I have a bunch of stuff I have yet to release but plan on doing so in due time. I want to eventually start an IG up (I barely, if ever, use my current handle) and get back into freelancing as my schedule allows for it.

As always, thanks in advance if you choose to take a look, always much appreciated.
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