the thread about nothing...


This relationship cost me money that I regret spending. In retrospect I shouldn’t have cared as much as I did and I look back saying to myself “God damn I was an idiot” :lol:

I know that feel......

Pm the #....I'll learn from your mistake....
this school shooting ****** up my day
work at a children's hospital and the energy here is all ****** up
everyone calling their kids and what not
LMAO. I can relate this. The guy usally finish who got the white Camry is probably well way into to his prayer for him to even leave. But get his older son to move it.

I need to start going to a mosuqe/masjid...i got some sins/Jin's that I'm not proud off.:smh::smh::frown:

And ramdan started a few days ago.
Should go. Unburden your soul.

This relationship cost me money that I regret spending. In retrospect I shouldn’t have cared as much as I did and I look back saying to myself “God damn I was an idiot” :lol:
Come on fam thats not the pics we waiting for :evil:
She is lol

See I be knowing my women.

Too bad I kinda made a promise to this filipino chick I meet at the airpot. I fly out thier when in ready to vcay there. She promised me she will never forget how I helped her need when she was stranted in the NYC.
the managers at my job have to be the lamest ****** ive ever met in my are you the managers but you purposely throw your employees under the bus lol..7 people have left within the last 3 months and they're still pulling little stunts trying to get people in trouble...mind you every person stated poor management is the reason why they're leaving the company
the managers at my job have to be the lamest *****s ive ever met in my are you the managers but you purposely throw your employees under the bus lol..7 people have left within the last 3 months and they're still pulling little stunts trying to get people in trouble...mind you every person stated poor management is the reason why they're leaving the company
Employees quit bosses, not leaders.
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