the thread about nothing...

Has anybody here ever taken melatonin to help them sleep? Which method is the safest to ingest and knocks you out the fastest? I haven't been getting good sleep in what seems like 3 months now. I'm extremely tired but my body does not shut down. I end up falling asleep between 12 and 1 when I have to get up at 5:30am for work. :stoneface:

Melatonin is weird for me, I dont know if its just the brand (NOW) or what it is but it just doesnt agree with me.

It will for sure knock me out in about 30 minutes if I lay down to sleep but I have violent nightmares when I take it, I always ended up waking up about 3-5 hours into sleep with trouble falling back asleep. I stopped taking it many times to test on myself and everytime I started taking it again, the nightmares came back and my sleep was always cut short.

That could just be me, it could be the brand I was taking, not sure but thats my take for the time being.

Depending on your area and connections, if you can get a hold of indica edibles I HIGHLY recommend them for sleep.

I take a 10mg indica pill every evening and I sleep well through the night, no nightmares plus you get the added benefits of the herbals.
Is it normal for USPS drivers to update your tracking as "undeliverable no access to location" even though the real reason is there is no one available to sign for it?
Lol I just got into a car accident (other guy's fault)

Been waiting for the cops to file a report for an hr now

I think the cops are going to assign a no fault to the situation. My instinct when I got hit was to pull over, which I did. After the fact I realized that now there's no way to tell what happened.

What an L I'm taking today
Lol I just got into a car accident (other guy's fault)

Been waiting for the cops to file a report for an hr now

I think the cops are going to assign a no fault to the situation. My instinct when I got hit was to pull over, which I did. After the fact I realized that now there's no way to tell what happened.

What an L I'm taking today

Your other option was drive off?
Lol I just got into a car accident (other guy's fault)

Been waiting for the cops to file a report for an hr now

I think the cops are going to assign a no fault to the situation. My instinct when I got hit was to pull over, which I did. After the fact I realized that now there's no way to tell what happened.

What an L I'm taking today

Should've gotten out and photographed the positioning of the cars before pulling over. Were there any witnesses who could vouch for you?
Lol I just got into a car accident (other guy's fault)

Been waiting for the cops to file a report for an hr now

I think the cops are going to assign a no fault to the situation. My instinct when I got hit was to pull over, which I did. After the fact I realized that now there's no way to tell what happened.

What an L I'm taking today
Are you ok? Any injuries?
Should've gotten out and photographed the positioning of the cars before pulling over. Were there any witnesses who could vouch for you?

Yea you right... I just didn't realize until after I had already pulled over. Nothing I can do about it now...
I was thinking of being nice to the guy before calling the cops. Just exchanging information and then driving off. But I called my pops and he said I could get screwed without a report. You guys ever just exchange info without getting the cops involved?
Technically you're supposed to, to cover your ***. Buddy could turn around and say you hit his car and ran etc.

It also depends on the extent of damage. I got rear ended by this one lady, but there was barely anything. I could've been a **** over a scratch but I told her not to worry about it. People rather pay for your damage repair rather than going through insurance and increasing their monthly.
Car wrecks are the worst. Been in 2, none my fault and 1 of them totaled my car. Hope all is well with you and the insurance process
I've been 3 with one totaled car. None were my fault but the last one I had a chick hit my car while it was parked and just drove off. If that's not her fault I dont know what is but it took almost a year in a half until her insurance covered it. I was pissed, got me thinking all these companies are in cahoots to beat customers over the head

Technically you're supposed to, to cover your ***. Buddy could turn around and say you hit his car and ran etc.

It also depends on the extent of damage. I got rear ended by this one lady, but there was barely anything. I could've been a **** over a scratch but I told her not to worry about it. People rather pay for your damage repair rather than going through insurance and increasing their monthly.
Had this also happen to me, this chick rear ended my first car but I barely felt it. Instead of insurance she offered to get my bumper fixed
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