the thread about nothing...

alchemist iq alchemist iq -- what other non-alcoholic drinks do you recommend?
Water! Jk.

Definitely flavored seltezer water if your trying to stay away from sodas.

Whole Foods/Trader Joe's has some very good beverages that goes well for summertime meals.

If you got some beverage perpetration skills ice cold tea milks is my thing in Thai restaurants or at home.m

Sangria, but people make it differently it can Ben tarty or sweet.
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Asians have a tendency to be allergic to alcohol. Lots of my friends get red and blotchy, so they either limit themselves or purposely try to kill themselves with drinking. One dude had to got to the ER with chest tightness and difficulty breathing.

I think that's what he's referring to
what does this mean?
You need to consume a lot of alcohol on a daily basis, over a long period of time, in order to get chronic alcohol poisoning

Asians lack an enzyme that other races have that process alcohol efficiently, so it's physically impossible to achieve the high daily quantities needed to get chronic alcohol poisoning.

The flip side to that is if you're asian, you're more likely to be hospitalized due to acute alcohol poisoning if you don't know your limits


I did a quick search. Apparently I'm wrong

Asians do lack the enzyme but some can still drink heavily enough on a daily basis to kill their liver :lol:
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Yes. I’ve had a few friends go from being drinkers to now not drinking. Squares now.

Not that it’s a bad thing.
Right, I know dudes who are about that life and do not drink and smoke.

Drinking alcohol or smoking bud is merely for pleasure. Not everyone on this planet needs alcohol or drugs to seek thier pleasure.

Sexual relations,
All done for pleasure.

Ain't not square about not drinking alcohol it's all about having self control and being aware when you need to limit your guilty pleasures or indulgence of it.
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I know quite a few people who just don't like to drink

Maybe they'll have one drink if you really really really persuade them to.

And that's fine. Lol
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