the thread about nothing...

I know quite a few people who just don't like to drink

Maybe they'll have one drink if you really really really persuade them to.

And that's fine. Lol
We call that peer pressure my friend but yeah some people don't even like the taste of alcohol just like how some people are gross out of the act of smoking a cigarette.
Dinner tonight. Jerk pork and chicken, plantain, rice and peas with cabbage and mixed veggies.

Supervisor gave me permission to start my vacation a day early! Now I got 6 hours of paperwork to do in 2 hours cuz I won't be able to do it tomorrow lmao
I could probably stop drinking if I wanted...i don't drink a lot but I do drink often. Stick with beer mostly (craft beer). While feeling drunk is decent, it rarely agrees with my body so i hardly ever drink to get drunk.

Dem drugs doe...
I stopped drinking the day my dad got a stroke.
That was last month on July 4.
Haven't touched and will not touch alcohol again.

Is your dad all recovered now?

There's nothing wrong with not drinking again

But I'm curious. Why quit drinking? Drinking doesn't cause strokes.
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