the thread about nothing...

Got a CAT scan and thankfully it's nothing life-threatening or anything that'll ruin my vision (as of today at least, optometrist in the the morning though).

Had a couple things I didn't like though:

- Called for a nurse so I could get a blanket (cold AF in the room). Dude comes to give it to me with an attitude and just shuts my curtain :lol:

- Had to keep my arm propped with an IV with tape stuck in me for hours. When it was finally time to go, a nurse came over and tried to rip the tape off. Note that the IV is still stuck both in me and to the tape, so the tip of it ended up going deeper and bending in my arm. Almost howled :smh:
So I haven't been to work in 2 days. I called in sick Wednesday, told everyone I had a stomach virus. Came in yesterday, coughed, said I felt a little better and they sent me home. They think I'm skipping work because I'm in my feelings over a female. The reality is I went out Tuesday night, got another check in the mail, my cousin is in town from Atlanta and we've been out here lit! :lol:
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