the thread about nothing...

The first first manager I had was actually a girl who I went to school with, she was like 2 years older though, got held back or something idk

So she had the fattest ***, after a while we became cool, she would tell me mad freak stuff (not towards me, just in general), then one time in the stock room we were playing around and I slapped her cheeks, she just laughed and played right back reaching for my...but like to hit me lol

After that I would palm/smack the cheeks on the regular, I know for sure she probably wouldn’t go all the way but I did what I could

Lmao I had the Sidekick LX at the time, favorite phone ever

I’ll get a pic for NT if I ever run into her again :lol:
This remind me of my first job :rofl:, we were way too comfy with each other, I remember we finally got a good manager who realized we never saw the sexual harassment tape. She was pissed because it was a requirement, we were watching it all dying laughing cause the **** we did was worst than the examples we saw (Grab ***, wrestling, aggressive hugging). We had this one chick who was a lesbian, she tried to dress like a dude but her *** was too fat. She used rub my face whenever I shaved and she would sit on my lap for no reason.:lol: Man I really miss working with attractive women
You're a girl? I thought you was a gay guy :lol:

How do you know for certain? He could be posting about you and you wouldn't know. I do not dress like the stereotypical NTer. Like if we passed by each other, you wouldn't guess that I'm an NTer. I do not wear Off White and Supreme or whatever the kids are into these days.
I always assumed most of NT didn't wear that stuff, **** is either too hard to get or overpriced
That’s funny you post Mike.

This dude is a train wreck. He’s a felon and pathological liar. His girlfriend broke up with him and he posted numerous videos talking about slamming when she was in a relationship, talking all this ish, then took down the video. He did this for like a month, get wasted, make video, delete when he sobered up in the AM.

He posted a vid saying he was going to give away product if people called the number in the description (his ex) and to say “the captain loves you” but again deleted the video when he sobered up.

He opened a Gofund me to try to raise money for “school supplies for kids” and pretty much trashed his following, talking ish to them in hopes to get money for booze and gambling, I mean school supplies for kids.

This guys a joke, he claims this flashy lifestyle and that he’s got all this money but he’s just a decent card counter with drug and alcohol problems and a lengthy criminal past.

He use to post actual blackjack vids but now it’s just a complete ****show, kind of fun to follow tho.
Sounds like another Fouseytube
Well damn :smh: I watched a few of his vids and I was telling myself that he was out of control when he was undercover. Never knew about all that other stuff. Literally watched parts of 3-4 videos today.

Yeah dudes a wild one.

He’s posted vids burning thousands of dollars as well. He also opened a go fund me for his bail money when he got locked up for domestic assault.

If you actually watch what he bets and when he bets on some of these vids, it’s way out of line with the strategy. Not to mention he tries to get kicked out to make it look like he was killing the casino.

He’s your stereotypical smooth talking street cat who knows a little bit about Blackjack.

The guys charismatic, if he got put in a spot to use that in a positive manner and dropped the booze he could kill it.
What happened

Newton didnt have to do that, could of ignored as a QB and just went on his way. Instead he sucked it up and offered his hand in respect to possibly settle whatever issues Benjamin had with him (Cam has said nothing this whole time about dude). Then when it was rejected he returned that aggression in person instead of doing it through the media. Should of mushed him
Dude in our parking lot hasn't moved his car since spring...
You guys are very generous by not having it towed. I woulda been had it out the way especially if that’s your spot where do u park then
He's parked in the unassigned spots. If he was parked across two spots I'd probably since that's not the case, towing just seems petty. No need to cost someone 200+ for no real reason. He could at least park in a less desirable area though.
Need some positive vibes fellas

Dog gets surgery monday to possibly see if its cancer. Right now he got a tumor on his back hind leg

Gave him a needle for now on it but wont find out more till news till late monday when i pick him up. Im nervous bros tbh this is my son

I’m sending positive vibes your way for you and yours. God bless and and best of luck to you bro.
i have a stable job working for the feds, living at home stacking bread.

but I always wanted to teach english in korea, which would be a step backward career wise.

i wanna make that jump, but im scared. scared of being in a country that i havent been to since 1999, scared of coming back to the states jobless, etc.

at the same time i dont wanna get old and look back regretting not doing things I wish I had done when I was younger.

**** sucks
this little ***** named grizz think he live like me talkin bout he left the hospital took five like me
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