the thread about nothing...

Morning fellas
Good morning dog

Gone try not to take no days off for 5 years putting in work to see what i can accomplish.
lol wut? As in work? They'll probably force you to take days off before that happens. That's what they did to me. That's some ambition though props to you.

Once again my day sucks. 3/4 so far.

Are movies as a first date really out the Window once you hit a certain age? Seeing people get offended at the suggestion of it really puzzles me.

I just posted that question and thought to myself "this should be a thread instead" Ninjahood is winning.
Honestly movies as first date is :\

I like to take them to eat ( somewhere mom an pop like, nothing chain ) and just had conversation and such.
Honestly movies as first date is :\

I like to take them to eat ( somewhere mom an pop like, nothing chain ) and just had conversation and such.
I agree. Chain restaurants are out as a first date Imo. The best solution is to do both movie then the food so you have the movie to talk about in case the convo gets stale

lol wut? As in work? They'll probably force you to take days off before that happens. That's what they did to me. That's some ambition though props to you.

I ain't talking about a job, I'm talking about life trying to progress.
even better. Good luck bro
Didn't feel like finding a laptop last night. 

Raaauuuul.....good to see Arod genuinely happy when Raul homered in the 9th.
:wow: :wow: Finally I got around to finishing the first 8 episodes of Breaking Bad's final season :wow: and WOW :smh: at Walt getting lax and power hungry.....those final 8 episodes are going to be absolutely incredible, think it may pass the Wire as the best series I've ever seen :smokin
Little busy in work this morning but im in here. Good Morning TAN fami need to go winter shopping ASAP !
Ugh so tired and hungry at work

Hate this office life

Gained 5lbs :x :stoneface: miss my old job where I was moving around all day
Ugh so tired and hungry at work

Hate this office life

Gained 5lbs :x :stoneface: miss my old job where I was moving around all day
I gained 6 pounds my first month at my desk job. Eating saltines and oatmeal like it was free. I stopped eating at my desk though, afraid of getting fat.
Wat kinda ticket was it?

Speeding. Only type of tickets I get.

Damn, that sucks Trill- they leeting you take care of it with no problems?

Yea, they gave me some MORE tickets and told how to take care of it all. They also said they couldn't "confirm" the warrants, thats why they didn't take me in, so I don't know wtf is going on.
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