the thread about nothing...

a tshirt i ordered and filed a paypal complaint on just randomly showed up yesterday, seller never responded to my emails or claim but delivered before paypal closed the case automatically

i really wanted the shirt too so glad it worked out but 45 days for delivery is ASSC territory man
a tshirt i ordered and filed a paypal complaint on just randomly showed up yesterday, seller never responded to my emails or claim but delivered before paypal closed the case automatically

i really wanted the shirt too so glad it worked out but 45 days for delivery is ASSC territory man
The lawd works in mysterious ways, playa.
Got your gas $$ right there.
Kobe's looks so ******* effortless
Sundar Pichai had to explain to Congress why Googling ‘idiot’ turns up pictures of Trump


Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images
In a House Judiciary Committee hearing today, Google CEO Sundar Pichai was asked to explain why a Google image search for “idiot” turned up pictures of Donald Trump — and whether that was a case of intentional bias.

I just tried it, and it really does show Donald pics when you google idiot.
Full story:
So my lease is up August 2019. My girl got a new job in dupont circle downtown DC. We reached out to the landlord and said hey can we get out of the lease early any way? She said yeah il just put the condo on the market. We said cool.

They got an offer in on the condo. This is 2 weeks ago. We were told that we can not sign a lease yet because the details aren't finalized. So we said ok? We were looking at other places at the time but couldn't commit yet according to the realtor so we lost out on places due to having no real time frame.

We find out about 10 days ago that the offer is good and the lady wants to close on the 15th. The realtor is telling us we still shouldn't sign a new lease. I told him i need in writing that i am not liable for the old lease if the sale falls through. He never sent it and started dodging my phone calls. So we signed a lease on Saturday morning. We planned to get everything to the dump and i asked off work for friday so did my girl so we could move this past weekend...all day friday and all day saturday.

We then get told saturday afternoon we need to be out by the 13th. The buyer has her movers coming on the 14th. So i flipped out and i said no we can't do it and the realtor was like i will come help you move. He never came. We rented a truck and have been moving since Saturday night.

We have most stuff out and in the new place. Mind you its a 50 min drive from door to door so im trying to make runs in my corolla since my girl routinely works 12 hour days and i work normal 9 hour days.

On top of all this i still haven't gotten my security deposit back. The landlord and the realtor (who are old childhood friends) aren't responding to texts, phone calls or emails.

Right now i know it was illegal to not give us in writing at least 30 days to move out. The only reason we obliged is because we asked them if we could end our lease early. So there was a small amount of guilt. I am still contemplating taking some sort of action because when he told me i need you out i said ok but im not paying December rent (for the 13 days we are here). I said we need that money to hire movers now because you aren't giving us enough time to move out. To which i was told the landlord is so broke that she is maxing out her credit cards and doesn't have a dime to spare and needs that money. So i never sent the payment and was told it would be taken out of my security deposit then.

I don't really want to do anything other then have this be over with. But if the sale falls through at the final walk-through if the landlord says "hey you are still in this lease we need you to pay it out" I am taking them to court for sure. The realtor told me that the my original lease will cease to exist when the deal goes through on the 15th. Thats when i was like no way. I am not, as a renter, taking 100% of the risk for a deal i have no part in. Like falls through the buyer walks away with all their money...and the seller still has a lease with renters??????? NOPE we are going to court if thats how it shakes out...but im realllly hoping that won't happen

Man what a crappy situation

I hope it's over soon for you

trying times TAN trying times
Middle of a rushed move. Long story but basically our landlord sold the condo we were living in and told us we had to get out in 10 days. Then last second said oh its 6 days. Very little sleep. A lot of stress and of course have so much actual work to do. Big work deadline coming up at the end of the calendar year.
Dawg... The people that "own" these places where we rest our heads have a god complex and no one can tell me different.. Im paying you my hard earned money to stay here. Why not cooperate and everyone wins in the end. Thats not how the world works tho.
Sometimes you just have to realize that you're not **** and I'm coming to that realization. Hate my job. Not really motivated to the gym anymore. If it weren't for my extreme vanity, I wouldn't have much motivation to go to work.
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