the thread about nothing...

Went to a strip club for the first time ever on Friday night, it was aight. An 18 year old me would have been excited as hell, but now that I'm a bit older it didn't do much for me.

There was this bad light skin stripper who was on my D from the get go. Started whispering some things in my ear then stuck her tongue in it, talking bout "you smell hella good, I'll come back to lick you off later". Don't know if she was serious or just teasing me so I can trick on her, I'm a brokeboi :rofl:
She’s only thinking about one thing, your money.
Went to a strip club for the first time ever on Friday night, it was aight. An 18 year old me would have been excited as hell, but now that I'm a bit older it didn't do much for me.

There was this bad light skin stripper who was on my D from the get go. Started whispering some things in my ear then stuck her tongue in it, talking bout "you smell hella good, I'll come back to lick you off later". Don't know if she was serious or just teasing me so I can trick on her, I'm a brokeboi :rofl:
Her tounge was probably in some else’s dudes ear. I’ll make sure you check your ear out for an infection.
Sad seeing the city of LA going through this.
Was listening to Big Boy this morning and it was just heartbreaking.
She’s only thinking about one thing, your money.
True, I was trying to think of ways to finesse so she could come home after work. Wanted to smash real bad, but unfortunately I don't have the gift of gab.

Her tounge was probably in some else’s dudes ear. I’ll make sure you check your ear out for an infection.
It most likely was, but I'm sure I don't have an infection rofl:

had soccer last night at 8 got home around 11 showered...was a little wired so couldn't fall asleep. Alarm goes off at 4:45am for is not a good day
I hate when that happens, I prefer to be dead tired and knock out as soon as I lay on the bed.
Morning!! Tough morning. And looks like more rain is coming, really over all this rain this year.
Went to a strip club for the first time ever on Friday night, it was aight. An 18 year old me would have been excited as hell, but now that I'm a bit older it didn't do much for me.

There was this bad light skin stripper who was on my D from the get go. Started whispering some things in my ear then stuck her tongue in it, talking bout "you smell hella good, I'll come back to lick you off later". Don't know if she was serious or just teasing me so I can trick on her, I'm a brokeboi :rofl:
what juice you was wearing?
#rantaboutnothing #dontaskquestions

Now you want to act like an adult. That’s all the **** I wanted from the jump! I hate this weird ****. :angry::angry::smh::smh:
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