the thread about nothing...

Some people be doing it in their own parents beds. Savages I tell u

Last year, my older brother told my little brother he got a blowjob on his bed when he was a teenager (almost 15 years ago)

My little brother was probably 8 at the time :lol:

He was shook

Ha! You would’ve been robbed. Word to cardi b.
Naw, I have enough street smart in me to not get set up like that.

what juice you was wearing?
Temps dropped to the low 60s, so I pulled out that Naxos. My other go-to when the temps get low has been Layton.
Went to a strip club for the first time ever on Friday night, it was aight. An 18 year old me would have been excited as hell, but now that I'm a bit older it didn't do much for me.

There was this bad light skin stripper who was on my D from the get go. Started whispering some things in my ear then stuck her tongue in it, talking bout "you smell hella good, I'll come back to lick you off later". Don't know if she was serious or just teasing me so I can trick on her, I'm a brokeboi :rofl:
I went for the first time when I was 18 (the day I graduated highschool no less), **** was a little disapointing because I thought it was going to be like the tip drill video. It was not :smh:. We went to a whack *** one though and I've gone to much better ones but its still not like the video
I’ve always been heavy into New York hip hop but for some reason never ****ed with Big Pun. My eyes have been opened y’all. Pun was one of the best to do it. Late pass
You should be slapped

Pork chops and apple sauce :nthat:
oh my b. This is a text conversation between two female roommates

so she had sex in the other girls bed?

That's quite disrespectful :lol: :lol:


Some people be doing it in their own parents beds. Savages I tell u

I used to talk to a chick who used to LOVE to smash in her moms bed. Her mom's bed was nicerm but you could tell it was a bit deeper than. Her mom was hot and loved some me too. :pimp:
Anyone else really struggle with having a manager or with having mentor conversations?

I just struggle to be managed - I’m real good at working and real bad at explaining up to a manager about what I’ve done / am doing / think I should do next. I feel defensive and can’t help it. Also got a bit of micro manager so that doesn’t help lol.
Anyone else really struggle with having a manager or with having mentor conversations?

I just struggle to be managed - I’m real good at working and real bad at explaining up to a manager about what I’ve done / am doing / think I should do next. I feel defensive and can’t help it. Also got a bit of micro manager so that doesn’t help lol.

Used to feel that way in my old job. When the manager/supervisor is talking to me like I'm the same as the other slow or lazy employees that goof around.
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