the thread about nothing...

A while ago I got really drunk one night and when I woke up I was hungry as hell.
I was driving around looking for choices but I wanted ALOT so I decided to go to golden corral for their buffet breakfast.

I was the only one in there alone and when I was going in on my 2nd plate
I look up and there's this other guy sitting and eating by himself and hes like

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A while ago I got really drunk one night and when I woke up I was hungry as hell.
I was driving around looking for choices but I wanted ALOT so I decided to go to golden corral for there buffet breakfast.

I was the only one in there alone and when I was going in on my 2nd plate
I look up and there's this other guy sitting and eating by himself and hes like


US was good but a little long. Story is ill but I guessed the final ending half way through. Still a few things I need explaining about but I liked it. Definitely gonna need a second viewing.
Time does fly.

I remember i was in my undergrad posting in TAN when it was still a “new” thread and we were catching heat in other threads because we were “da death to general”.

Now I’m about to get my graduate degree in a couple of weeks and i’ve worked 3 years between my two degrees.

On another note, I love Kanye’s Runaway short. I watch it once a year. And yeah Tina can get it idc idc
Time does fly.

I remember i was in my undergrad posting in TAN when it was still a “new” thread and we were catching heat in other threads because we were “da death to general”.

Now I’m about to get my graduate degree in a couple of weeks and i’ve worked 3 years between my two degrees.

On another note, I love Kanye’s Runaway short. I watch it once a year. And yeah Tina can get it idc idc
We've done come a long way brudda!

My Brotha GIF.gif
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People are really reselling Endgame tickets for up to 10000 dollars? **** I would make a killing if I still worked at the movies
Why did you cut back? 2 years is good but I don’t think I’ll go that long. Occasionally cool but I don’t see myself doing it every day all day.
Cause when I moved out of state, I started looking for new jobs. So with all the drug testing and staying in your system and hair, I ended up just stopped smoking
I'm a fairly patient person, especially with my kids, obviously.

But I seriously have to catch myself from going smack ham on my 18 month old for coughing and sneezing all free and easy in my face. Currently sick because of him.

Yep, same little dude who tried to take out my eye.


Nothing wrong at all going to a movie dolo. I do it from time to time. Sometimes it's just nice to do things on your own schedule and not have to worry about coordinating schedules with homies, s/o's etc.

never been to a movie or eaten at a restaurant/bar by myself. i've done the CFA/McDS/etc of course. just never really wanted to go to either dolo.
I'm a fairly patient person, especially with my kids, obviously.
Man your so right about being patient with kids.

I was walking out of starbucks and sawa 2-3 year old toddler on the parking lot running behind parcked cars. His mother was scramblig to get her other kids, had to gently get to kid to his mother even though he was hesitant towards a stranger, she jumbling her starbucks drinks and her other 3 kids.

Scared me a bit cause i have newphs and neices at that age. Would’ve hurt me if that kid have gotten hurt.
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