the thread about nothing...

:wow: , i love how he just bounces at the end. *sexual choclate! drops mic, walks away.

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he ran away when he was 20? I think thats just called moving out. Its running away when your a youngin, hes a grown *** man.

dude still lives with his people tho.. got in an argument with his moms and pulled some teenage ****.

plus it doesn't sound like he even offered to help you help your fam move when you're looking out on a place to stay. if i was in a bad spot and someone was helping me w/ a place i would do everything i could to stay/get in their good graces.

the moving thing was a lie just to get him to leave lol... Dude just told me "I'm gonna be out Tuesday and Wednesday so you won't see me that much those days" He's talking like he LIVES here.

I'm just gonna make a thread about this lol
Step 1: Go to youtube

Step 2: Search "PUNCHLINES by Jaystar"

Step 3: lyao

Lulz guranteed.
I hadn't stepped into a barber shop in a long time. I usually cut my own hair or get someone else to cut it for me.
Well I'm in a barber shop in So-Cal right now. About 9/10 of the barbers are dressed like they're going to a club. Old dudes trying to have "swag"; I'm surprised no one has foambs on.
Most if not all people getting haircuts are getting some fancy cuts. I'm just sitting here wondering if anyone gets regular haircuts anymore. [/quote/]

What's a fancy haircut...sitting in huddle house for 30 ******g minutes cause they not taking phone orders....sleepy as ****
This deserves a thread​
i showed him something on here about Js so i think he lurks now..

dude is 20 and ran away from home... son has issues and i'm enabling
When I read the first post I assumed this was whats happening. I've been in that spot before and I just let my friend stay until he was ready to go back. Gotta feel for those people man.

I ran away from home once, I was 16 I think and my girl came over, and it was going to be my first adventure into yambville, my dad came home and saw that I had people over and for some reason flipped out. I was ANGRY, so I packed a bag and left home for like 18 hours unbeknownst to them and when they found out I just turned off my phone.

Calvin and Hobbes, best comic strip ever. Got most of the books. Still at huddle house....
Garfiled>>>> But this comic strip is very good. I've never owned any of them but the ones I've seen in random newspapers were always good.
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-Can't sleep. fml.  Had a weird dream about my last ex.  Not that trippy, just awkward.

-Got a new theripist.  Not bad.  Some eye candy and really nice.

-Wanna go to work for overtime but just don't feel like it. But need money for a trip, so f' it

-Broke as, right now.  Like negative in the bank broke.  Sucks.  Really hate it.

-Just paid off some fines. Now a dude is legal again.  Hate riding dirty, looking over your shoulder for john q law is not for me.

-My boy is really bugging with his marriage being on the downfall.  Got me wanting to check on rooms for him so he can rekindle what he had.  I wanna help, but its not a solution to his problem.  Its much bigger than that.
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