the thread about nothing...

Somebody just said NT is a site for ready for war


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Are dreads accepted in a white collar job?
From what I hear, yes and no. I have cousins that work in the corporate world with dreads, but they do admit that the corporate world is still not very accepting of them. I say go for it, perfect your skill set and become the asset then this ignorant system will have no way to deny you, what YOU are.
Go for it. I had two of my friends cut theirs off before they made the jump though. One of them interned with his and said he got mixed reactions. I've seen older heads with them pretty often, never young guys though. If it gets to the point where you think its holding you back you can always cut them, even though I know thats not really something most would want to do. I cut my dreads off in 9th grade and I hardly remember having them. Ceasars >>>

The Lead IT dude for my company had them, he's a older head too, they got salt and pepper in them :lol:

Someone who works for the nets (white guy) had then down to like his waist as well. I guess it depends on the company
Oreos on the last page reminds me of these Oreo cheesecake cupcakes I made last year.


They were insanely good. But I messed up on the recipe and didn't remember to divide the sugar in half, so I accidentally added twice the amount of sugar. I ate two and I was down for the count.

got the gf making these right now :pimp:

had to wait for them to chill for about 5 hrs yesterday but these are damn good.... gonna add this to the recipe box
Glad to hear it, these are next on list to make but I'm afraid they might kill me


brownie, peanut butter & 2 oreos right.... that might be a lil much.... but post the recipe plz
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