the thread about nothing...

Hardest gay character since Omar.

I'm still waiting for this song to come on at a spot to pull this move on a SHORTY.

This rendition of this song is amazing.
Some dude I know said that he thinks society will have less kids going forward because of all the different apps that assist people like Doordash, Uber, Task Rabbit, etc. He said it gives people less incentive to have kids because one of the major reasons is to have someone to take care of them when they get older. I thought about it for a bit and think he might have a valid point.

I don't know about major but this is a good point. And cars should be able to drive themselves by the time we are retired so won't need to worry about being driven around.

My Soccer game last night got cancelled early in the second half because of a fight. Team was talking trash all game. We went up 1-0 and then they scored. Dude came over and did the fingers in the ear celebration (what soccer players in Italy were doing to stand up to racism) right in front of our bench like he was proving a point. We all just stared at him like uhhh what. Anyway we scored twice. Up 3-1 and dude on our team gets grabbed by the neck by one of their players which causes a scuffle and then one of their players sucker punches one our ours in the face. Dude starts bleeding from his mouth and at this point its about to be a 20 vs 20 war. People holding people back dudes shadow boxing in the back like they really bout that life. So the ref just calls the game on the spot.

Always crazy to me that people get so caught up that they think a giant brawl is worth anything. Like its a soccer gonna go home to my girl and my dog and wake up in the morning and head to the office. This soccer game really means nothing but yet people willing to risk broken bones...missing teeth...assault charges...
Recently bought a new mattress (much needed) and bed frame.

This weekend I bought mint colored sheets and pillow cases, and chocolate colored duvet cover and pillow cases

Mint chocolate bed setting :smokin

Because everyone always asking for pics


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Some dude I know said that he thinks society will have less kids going forward because of all the different apps that assist people like Doordash, Uber, Task Rabbit, etc. He said it gives people less incentive to have kids because one of the major reasons is to have someone to take care of them when they get older. I thought about it for a bit and think he might have a valid point.

This ain't the 1800s; having kids mainly to take care of you when you're older makes no sense. A benefit sure, but if that's one of your primary motives to procreate you're doing it wrong.

What if your kid ends up hating you and cuts you out of their life? What if your kid moves away and can't take care of you? What if your kid doesn't have the fiscal means to care for you?

According to a quick Google search the average cost of raising a kid to 17 in 2017 was $233,610. If you're worried about being cared for when you're older just save that money to pay for a caregiver down the line.
comments of the day:
We need a theme for our awards ceremony
Me: How about disney? They just relaunched Aladin and Dumbo and Marry Poppins and Lion king is coming out
Boss: If that was the case why don't we just do a Queen theme because that freddie mercury movie came out
Me: uhhh...ok?

Coworker - Wearing long sleeves today JKING?
Me - uh yes...i actually wear long sleeves every single day...with khakis...its like what we wear
Coworker - I wore a polo today
Me - I see that.....
comments of the day:
We need a theme for our awards ceremony
Me: How about disney? They just relaunched Aladin and Dumbo and Marry Poppins and Lion king is coming out
Boss: If that was the case why don't we just do a Queen theme because that freddie mercury movie came out
Me: uhhh...ok?

:rofl: That didn't even correlate. Dude just wanted to throw that out there to see if it floats.
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