the thread about nothing...

comments of the day:
We need a theme for our awards ceremony
Me: How about disney? They just relaunched Aladin and Dumbo and Marry Poppins and Lion king is coming out
Boss: If that was the case why don't we just do a Queen theme because that freddie mercury movie came out
Me: uhhh...ok?

Coworker - Wearing long sleeves today JKING?
Me - uh yes...i actually wear long sleeves every single day...with khakis...its like what we wear
Coworker - I wore a polo today
Me - I see that.....
Theme song should be Fat Bottomed Girls then
Me everyday after i have to say good morning to ONE co worker


Tough.. You dont have to say gm to anybody, G :lol:
Super focused today. Which is good. Another department has openings and I applied for it.

Still prefer moving back to the Bay, but we'll see.
I never really subscribed to the theory that women don't take accountability for their actions, but fam after talking to one of my ex's about why we didn't work out, I 1000% believe this. First she tried to say it was mutual (it wasn't. At all). Then when I called her on her *******t, she tried to play the "I don't remember" card.
I never really subscribed to the theory that women don't take accountability for their actions, but fam after talking to one of my ex's about why we didn't work out, I 1000% believe this. First she tried to say it was mutual (it wasn't. At all). Then when I called her on her *******t, she tried to play the "I don't remember" card.
They never do
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