the thread about nothing...

im kinda bummed went to talk to my old general manager cuz apparently for a period of time our company placed money in an esop for us, but since they ended it in 2011, they sent out papers informing us how much money we have in our accounts..he told me that in 2015 i can get that money, there is a little under 7k in there right now, but last year it lost 1600 
 so it can either go up or go down each share right now is worth $1.14..
i got an interview at sears tomorrow for a stocking position... would polo shirt, cords and some casual shoes be appropriate attire?
Still need to cop a pair of butters, but I can't justify the purchase with the FL weather :smh:
goof'd pulling an all nighter.. tired as hell but i think i need a shape up before this interview in the morning

i still look presentable without it but i'd like to maximize my chances
I need to plan another vacation back to Montego Bay, Jamaica fambs like ASAP for next summer. I need something to look forward to
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