the thread about nothing...

Our forums are governed by rules.

We're not going to ban someone just because you don't like them. Everyone here has the ability to use the block feature. Mouse over their screen name or click on their profile, then click "Block Member."

While it won't completely eliminate the disruptions any given user can create, it does give you control over the content you experience on our forums.

We've been doing this for a long time. People repeat behaviors they feel rewarded for. For some, that means they'll continue to do something if people approve of it. For others, simply eliciting any reaction or acknowledgement whatsoever is sufficient.

No user in the history of NikeTalk - or any site/service I'm aware of - has continued to engage in behavior that was completely ignored for an extended period of time.

Both of these users have been banned in the past and one of them, frankly, is a single violation away. If anyone commits a violation, simply report it to our staff. Users with a history of violations are given little latitude when it comes to repeat offenses.

Responding by violating the rules yourself or egging them on will only make matters worse.

NikeTalk is built on respect. That's where our boundaries are drawn. Those who cross that line will find themselves on the outside looking in.

ftr, i never asked for ANYONE to be banned.

the least i was asking for was the reply limit being brought back.

the most would be a special reply limit just for those 2 people (its been done before with posters that are repeat offenders)
1) The Booty Thread

2) Recent Images ----> View All

Good lawd, im tryin so hard not to fap

ftr, i never asked for ANYONE to be banned.

the least i was asking for was the reply limit being brought back.

the most would be a special reply limit just for those 2 people (its been done before with posters that are repeat offenders) sorry, i did say "get rid of these two". but i didnt mean ban, i should have used better words.
this dude have 249 post yesterday though. the hell you do all day?

I don't know.

One time, I had nothing to do and just wanted to chill at the house watching tv with my computer. I was on niketalk for a good part of the day. I had like 50 posts that day... so 249 :smh:
Why would anyone want 2 usernames on a forum though? I don't get it
to troll more than likely. Or people who are insecure about their post counts.

I mess with the dressing better thread. Peoples contributions KSteezys in particular are very much appreciated.

I also mess with the Dressing Better thread. Even though I just lurk in there and don't post :lol:

I don't get why KSteezy get's all the hate. Seems like a cool dude.

There was a pic of SillyPutty posted in that Ninjahood/SillyPutty thread? :wow:

Man I always miss the good stuff :smh:
I can't take the dressing better thread. No one really dresses better and too much steezy arrogance in there over nonfresh fits.

i never understood the hate for ksteezy either.

are dudes that envious of him?

Yep. Seen his wife? Cuz got him one.

FYI that joke in the ugly girl thread wasn't even funny.

Also, has anyone seen Dirty? Dudes probably ashamed to be associated with NT lately.
i never understood the hate for ksteezy either.

are dudes that envious of him?

Yep. Seen his wife? Cuz got him one.

FYI that joke in the ugly girl thread wasn't even funny.

Also, has anyone seen Dirty? Dudes probably ashamed to be associated with NT lately.

Was just thinking about this. Does he even post anymore?
i never understood the hate for ksteezy either.

are dudes that envious of him?
Yep. Seen his wife? Cuz got him one.

FYI that joke in the ugly girl thread wasn't even funny.

Also, has anyone seen Dirty? Dudes probably ashamed to be associated with NT lately.
Was just thinking about this. Does he even post anymore?
He still posts. I've probably seen him post a few times a month. He's been MIA mostly since he got married
i thought 'the campaign' with will ferrell was pretty funny

i thought it was ok, not one of his funniest movies. i am not a fan of zack g, sometimes he overdoes it (IMO). they should of have the guy in step brothers and taledaga nights play his opponent. it would have been epic.
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