the thread about nothing...


so much yums.
Last time I looked at that was 21 pages.
Ninjahood got permabanned last time he went on a tangent about gay rights. his views are so closed minded and ugly, he really did come outta his shell.
Um, obviously not.

...c'mon man. you already know Niketalk has its favorites. Nijahood had to get a new sn by the name of Championhood.

plus, you know that little rule about if you do get banned and its found out that you have an alternate...your alternate will be banned too? yeah, that kinda didnt matter with Ninjahood because he had evidence of it in his Championhood sig wo he really was.

...there's a few other 'regulars' around here that get away with it too. Ninjahood aint the only one.
SMH ninja. I'm in awe, I just cannot believe this dude. He's showing his true colors shoulda seen his comments that got him banned in '07. did went ballistic. but all he was saying was "just because".

...i guess he's used those 5 years to come up with something to back up his view.
I always wonder how he's sitting on so many reps tho like 900+ is a grip.
Ninjahood has a 357 Rep Rating, you cant take that stuff serious.

to quote one of my favorite sigs:
Essential1 (speaking on Ninjahood) wrote:
You are a one-stop shop of ignorance in any matter of importance..

...and for the record, ninjahood used Championhood after he got banned so that's why they let it rock. That **** had nothing to do with special privileges.
whats the deal with ksteezy's wife joke? is she hit? or is it something else

I think most people of are envious of steezy because he lives the life most of them want. He makes good money, has a good looking wife and she's about to be making her own paper soon, lots of shoes, drives nice whips and pretty much does what he wants. I think people mistake him posting pics as showing off but on this forum it's always pics or ducktales so he immediately takes that away. Overall he seems like a genuine good guy.

...and for the record, ninjahood used Championhood after he got banned so that's why they let it rock. That **** had nothing to do with special privileges.

...which is/was against the ROC.....(right?)

...thats why when people get bnned they try to hide wo they were. ive seen times when Dirty was IN a thread, found out a sn was of a recently banned user and banned the new sn as well.
why am i just now getting in to portishead.. 

this **** is amazing.
I don't know man but at least you got hip to them. I like their self titled album the best. Beth Gibbons voice is amazing!
that's the one i just listened to.. next up is dummy.
There are a ton of other good bands with similar sounds. Most don't get recognition here since there are basically British alternative rock/trip hop.

But there is Gorillaz, Little Dragon, Bjork, Sneaker Pimps, Tricky . To me though Gorillaz and Portishead are the best.
My new favorite word is "Turn Up." I may be late on it but, I keep using it in all different sentences, hitting up my friends saying "Where's the TURN UP at?"
Great Speech on Gay Rights thread is hilarious. FutureMD vs ninjahood


:wow: :lol: :x :smh:

IDK how that feature flew by do you see that? :nerd:

Go to the Replies column and click on the number shown.

so much yums.


She's a 10....cue Billy Bob Varsity Blues Video

I thought she was hot as a brunette, but she looks even better as a blonde. :pimp:
whats the deal with ksteezy's wife joke? is she hit? or is it something else

I think most people of are envious of steezy because he lives the life most of them want. He makes good money, has a good looking wife and she's about to be making her own paper soon, lots of shoes, drives nice whips and pretty much does what he wants. I think people mistake him posting pics as showing off but on this forum it's always pics or ducktales so he immediately takes that away. Overall he seems like a genuine good guy.

I don't think Steezy is a bad dude at all, but I can understand why other members might not vibe with him. I think when he posts pics people take that as him being self-centered and it rubs them the wrong way. I give him props for doing him though regardless of the BS.
where exactly did the phrase "turn up" originate?

i wanna say Atlanta just because i've been hearing it down here for the longest, but i could be wrong.
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My new favorite word is "Turn Up." I may be late on it but, I keep using it in all different sentences, hitting up my friends saying "Where's the TURN UP at?"

Kewl bro now you're just like everybody else.

Turn up is atlanta slang
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