the thread about nothing...

Yeah well we are doing a disservice by feeding her. If we stop paying attention, she will drift away.
True. I never thought she was "IT" anyways. I was just browsing through World Star and one of the more recent videos was that so I figured i'll share since we talked about it here.
True. I never thought she was "IT" anyways. I was just browsing through World Star and one of the more recent videos was that so I figured i'll share since we talked about it here.
It was trending on various news platforms and social media. Her 15 minutes were probably almost up and she wanted to extend it. People shouldn't take her serious anymore after this feeble attempt.
It was trending on various news platforms and social media. Her 15 minutes were probably almost up and she wanted to extend it. People shouldn't take her serious anymore after this feeble attempt.
Haha. She's trying to look all sad and innocent in that video Haha. She's only getting that extra 15 min because of her race/religion and the drama it got from it for doing porn. Oh well, she's done in my mind.
Haha. She's trying to look all sad and innocent in that video Haha. She's only getting that extra 15 min because of her race/religion and the drama it got from it for doing porn. Oh well, she's done in my mind.
While we are on this topic, Kim Kardashian deserves major props. She built an empire for her family and future generations off one sex tape. Salute to her!
While we are on this topic, Kim Kardashian deserves major props. She built an empire for her family and future generations off of one sextape. Salute to her!
She's a perfect example of what you said last week about celebrities with no talent and sold their soul for fame. I only saw a glimpse of that sextape and even with that, it looked boring AF. What a disgraceful family. Overrated trash.
She's a perfect example of what you said last week about celebrities with no talent and sold their soul for fame. I only saw a glimpse of that sextape and even with that, it looked boring AF. What a disgraceful family. Overrated trash.

Oh yeah but at least Kardashian got rewarded for it. What Mia Khalifa is doing right now for attention is downright pathetic.
Oh yeah but at least Kardashian got rewarded for it. What Mia Khalifa is doing right now for attention is downright pathetic.
She's still young. She should still have a lot of opportunities besides porn or doing whatever she is trying to do now, but too bad she's burning some bridges along the way.
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