the thread about nothing...

I agree. I have two high school buddies that I don’t really see anymore because they’re just toxic eventho they could be cool but you know they will f*** you over any day. One went to jail for armed robbery when we were 16 and did other side things and the other always got into fights, sold drugs, had a small “chicken coop” with other friends. Both of them ended up getting engineering degrees, married with kids but they continued to sell drugs, go to E.14th and stuff. The one that always got into fights even talked about having their sons be best friends and get into fights. Their minds really can’t get away from it.
Hood can leave the hood, but the mentality will always be there no matter how hard you try to change your mindset creeps right back up.
Just debated going into a bar and having a drink by myself at the bar and chilling as I waited for an appointment an hour away, but didn’t. Who among us has?
For some it for the rush, but the rush of making money illegally is much different than being a stuntman. For example, being successful in drug dealing for a long period of time requires certain skills and organization. Even though these qualities can make a good entrepreneur, the idea of opening a restaurant does not resonate with them as much. They just are not fulfilled even if there is the potential to make just as much though legitimate means. For the majority of people, a zebra doesn't change it's stripes.
Drug dealers need a business to run, I get it. the same stress/rush you can get from pushing can be provided by running a company, rather owner with no boss or president with share holders to answer to.

Just ain't with the excuses. Too many folks with limited opportunities that actually lack the options of the folks that are just "wired differently". But sometimes those folks with limited options put themselves in that position by being "wired differently".
Been mindful of my mental health and doing therapy since March this year. After listen to a local guys TED talk about the top 3 life events that scarred him I only just realized how emotionally damaged I am. Dude listed them off and I was like that's it? I'm like the instances that scarred him for life were like another day for me. His mom had one emotional break down in front of him during his teenage years. I'm like I've seen my mom break down and contemplate suicide in front of me since I was 7 on a regular basis of like once every 2-3 months until I was a adult and living on my own. He also talked about his brother passing and how he lashed out at the teacher the next day. I remember being told my father died when I was 15 and everyone in my family just sweeping it under the rug the next day. They discouraged me from going to the funeral because my mother couldn't afford it.

I know this probably isn't the right place to unpack this but oh well. It just crazy because I'm often perceived as Mr Excellent or some preppy guy because I just keep it moving but the reality my **** is about as real as everyone else.

This is the place for anything. Let out anything that’s messing with your mind. It’s part of the therapy. Some stuff shouldn’t be held in, it’s not healthy. Hope you’ll overcome this.
Hood can leave the hood, but the mentality will always be there no matter how hard you try to change your mindset creeps right back up. what freakydestroyer freakydestroyer's wired that way. The one that went to jail works for the govt in the engineering field with the other one too. And he's still selling coke and being a bookie. He had a loyal girl that stayed true to him when he was in jail. He got out, stayed with her and went to Asia and hooked up/married another chick. It's hard to trust these people. what freakydestroyer freakydestroyer's wired that way. The one that went to jail works for the govt in the engineering field with the other one too. And he's still selling coke and being a bookie. He had a loyal girl that stayed true to him when he was in jail. He got out, stayed with her and went to Asia and hooked up/married another chick. It's hard to trust these people.
yeah, theyre just **** ups and don't care to carry the responsibility of this every day adulting ****.

mad presumptuous of me, but you saying you can't trust them? cuz they're **** ups.
yeah, theyre just **** ups and don't care to carry the responsibility of this every day adulting ****.

mad presumptuous of me, but you saying you can't trust them? cuz they're **** ups.
Eggzactly. That's why I don't kick it with most of the people I used to know. It was fun at the time...but I regret it. I feel like I wasted my youth and not made true life long friends. And as adults, the friends you make now just isn't the same.
yeah, theyre just **** ups and don't care to carry the responsibility of this every day adulting ****.

mad presumptuous of me, but you saying you can't trust them? cuz they're **** ups.
once you have certain friends who will drag you down to their bullcrap scum liftestyle, these types of things you try to stay away from cause you've build up something in your own personal life that your not gonna want to risk. Such as a family, your freedom and your life.
the conversation is so much more nuanced than my on the surface "they're **** ups" proclamation. it comes off much uglier than what I want it to.

But end of the day, you can either chose to do right or choose to do wrong. if you choose to do wrong, my hopes you don't get caught.

same applies to everyone every single day.
Ben he put Shaq on his back in this shot.. HBD.
Drug dealers need a business to run, I get it. the same stress/rush you can get from pushing can be provided by running a company, rather owner with no boss or president with share holders to answer to.

Just ain't with the excuses. Too many folks with limited opportunities that actually lack the options of the folks that are just "wired differently". But sometimes those folks with limited options put themselves in that position by being "wired differently".
I was not suggesting that these people came out the womb with the idea "I am going to be a drug dealer". Obviously environment and upbringing play a part in the development. But for the most part, people are just the way they are and there is not much that can be done to change them even if their circumstances change.

Look at drug lords like Rick Ross, Pablo Escobar, and El Chapo. They made hundreds of millions, even billions! Most "reasonable" people would've seriously considered stopping at 10 million or so and funnel the money into legitimate businesses. But these drug lords kept going even though it became more and more risky. It was like they wanted to keep testing their luck. But that is who they are at the end of the day and there was little to no outside influence that would've made them change.
I was not suggesting that these people came out the womb with the idea "I am going to be a drug dealer". Obviously environment and upbringing play a part in the development. But for the most part, people are just the way they are and there is not much that can be done to change them even if their circumstances change.

Look at drug lords like Rick Ross, Pablo Escobar, and El Chapo. They made hundreds of millions, even billions! Most "reasonable" people would've seriously considered stopping at 10 million or so and funnel the money into legitimate businesses. But these drug lords kept going even though it became more and more risky. It was like they wanted to keep testing their luck. But that is who they are at the end of the day and there was little outside influence that would've made them change.
Not sure I agree. I think a different factor in childhood may have made a difference.

But definitely open to the fact that the difference may have just been the type of trouble they sought.

Why the **** would you need to talk to people in the organization your not longer at? Your an opponent and a rival at that. He wanted hugs from the janitors or something? Just because you work together dont mean your friends, especially when your success is a direct obstacle to theirs
Not sure I agree. I think a different factor in childhood may have made a difference.

But definitely open to the fact that the difference may have just been the type of trouble they sought.
That is probably what I meant and you may have misinterpreted. I suggested that once someone has developed into who they are, there is not much that can be done to undo it.
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