the thread about nothing...

I see...I heard that it's illegal or something to rent a space or pay a dancing fee in California. Back then I had a friend that was a manager at Little Darlings, started out as just a door person. He said that sometimes strippers don't make enough because it's a slow night so they would have sex with him or his friends so they don't have to pay the fees.

Well I don't know the specifics or what exact fees are required. I just always heard or assumed it is to rent the space or pole. Anyway there has to be a cost, otherwise all the dancers will show up at all times. Instead they prioritize based on when they think they can make the most. Like Holiday season is slow and the attractive dancers do not show up.
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The guy that’s playing Malcolm X in Godfather of Harlem is doing a better job than Denzel Washington.
Why on NT, when a question is asked, people always ignore them?

I try my best to answer them, if I know how to answer it.
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