the thread about nothing...

Leaving for South Africa tomorrow!

No other way I want to start the New Year/decade.

Extremely blessed and excited!

Got to the gym, just parked my car and was getting out. Some chick just finished working out and was about to get into her car and said to me “Have a good work out”, I replied with “You too”. Caught me off guard and felt stupid but we both laughed it off. :rolleyes
What she look like?
I’ve been saying MSG does a body good. Better than milk. Haha
It would of been funny if you said this, glad you didn't
Leaving for South Africa tomorrow!

No other way I want to start the New Year/decade.

Extremely blessed and excited!


Yo imma need all the details on this fam! How’d you book? What was the cost like? Where you staying at and for how long? What kinda adventures you got planned? You have to get hella shots beforehand? Deets my dude. Then pics when you get back
Haha yea i wasn’t expecting it so my mind went blank and just responded like a robot haha. Too much on my mind lately too to think about picking up chicks. Didn’t want another thing distracting me.

Been there before. I’ll be totally in my own head thinking of other stuff and that train on thought would get interrupted by a young lady randomly saying “hello”. Have me looking all confused like I don’t speak the language :lol:

Hit her with a late and awkward “Hi, how are you”:rofl:
Some god awful football tonight but the games were close. Until Brady turns in them retirement papers or Bill gets fired they're still a threat.
It was always the light skin kid that smelled like syrup and piss, or the dark skin kid w/ snot sitting on their philtrum while they snack on Cheetos wild loud doing sone ****.
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