the thread about nothing...

Some cryptocurrencies are going to pop when the dust settles from this mess. People will be afraid to use cash. I need to figure out which ones to get rich. :nerd:
You think? Bitcoin already lost 94 billion in value (that was 2 days ago...not sure if that has recovered or gotten worse).

While I understand the pumping in of paper dollars out of thin air after this scare brings the value of the dollar even lower, but can cryptocurrencies essentially do the same thing?
You think? Bitcoin already lost 94 billion in value (that was 2 days ago...not sure if that has recovered or gotten worse).

While I understand the pumping in of paper dollars out of thin air after this scare brings the value of the dollar even lower, but can cryptocurrencies essentially do the same thing?

I said this a couple days ago in the Bitcoin thread. There is a finite number of Bitcoin, but I don't think it will become the default cryptocurrency. It has too many flaws as far as privacy and efficiency. I do believe that there will be a select few that rectify those flaws and will become mainstream currency. As far as which ones, I can't say for certain. I am doing my homework and plan to invest in a few hoping for extreme upside.

They don’t use cash - all transaction are only done with debit/credit cards./mobile pay. The whole country.

When I visited Iceland - and I pulled out cash they was scrambling to get change. They ended up having to go to another store. A lot of countries are becoming that way.
As sick as this is, this was an every game occurrence for Blake Griffin.

Blake's career is a disappointment imo. Should have been a sure fire HOF'er.
Lob City Clippers were very fun to watch at the time. Unfortunately they didn’t have the chemistry to win a championship. I feel kinda bad for Blake though. Balmer promised him he’d be the face of the franchise after Chris Paul left then he traded him to Detroit. He needs to get outta there ASAP if he wants his career to go anywhere
Lob City Clippers were very fun to watch at the time. Unfortunately they didn’t have the chemistry to win a championship. I feel kinda bad for Blake though. Balmer promised him he’d be the face of the franchise after Chris Paul left then he traded him to Detroit. He needs to get outta there ASAP if he wants his career to go anywhere
They really were fun to watch but I found myself frustrated with Chris Paul many times. He didn’t seem like a good leader when it mattered most.

One of my favorite players of all time. I just wish he had more control over his eating habits and added better work ethic. Couldn’t believe what he turned into once he landed in Cleveland.
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