the thread about nothing...

It was pretty burnt. But I just put more peanut butter on it. Those Orowheat Oatnut ones seems to get burnt easily.

Anyways, you really think most people don't have 2 months worth of expenses saved? How much do you think an avg person’s expense is per month? Serious question.
When I say "most", I guess that is kind of ambiguous. I don't want to get into %'s but I know a lot of people are just getting by paycheck to paycheck each month. Average cost would vary by region. All I know is a lot of people will feel the effects of this even if it is a few weeks. If this goes on beyond two months, I would say that is when hell breaks loose.
When I say "most", I guess that is kind of ambiguous. I don't want to get into %'s but I know a lot of people are just getting by paycheck to paycheck each month. Average cost would vary by region. All I know is a lot of people will feel the effects of this even if it is a few weeks. If this goes on beyond two months, I would say that is when hell breaks loose.
What do you think of UBI? Do you think that will go into affect within the next 5 years? Even if someone don’t have 2 mths of expenses saved, is $1000 a month really enough? I guess it’ll be good if someone is working and that goes into affect but I’m sure there’s more that goes into it. I think some countries already have that and are seeing positive results.
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What do you think of UBI? Do you think that will go into affect within the next 5 years? I think some Asian countries already have that and are seeing positive results.
I don't have much of an opinion about that, and admittedly I do not know too much about it other than the basic concept. However, I do think that someone making minimum wage full time should have enough to cover basic living. There should be a standard for someone to make enough to survive. Unfortunately, I don't think America will figure out a way to fix this issue.
there's no way a large sum of this movie wasn't improv. a lot of great comedy in here. that "I've already walked away too much!" is just genius.
Went to go get my macbook fixed at a repair store and to my surprise it was a young normal looking woman. They don’t have geek squad members looking like this back home

there's no way a large sum of this movie wasn't improv. a lot of great comedy in here. that "I've already walked away too much!" is just genius.

I'm almost positive I saw some fact on Reddit or something about this scene specifically. It was all improv and Seth Rogan I think said it took everything he had not to just start cracking up the whole time
They don’t use cash - all transaction are only done with debit/credit cards./mobile pay. The whole country.

When I visited Iceland - and I pulled out cash they was scrambling to get change. They ended up having to go to another store. A lot of countries are becoming that way.

Word? I went to Iceland in 2016 and paying cash at grocery stores and for gas didn’t seem like a problem. We had smaller bills though so not much was needed.

Dope country for sure. I would love to go back one day.

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