the thread about nothing...

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does beer fall into the ¨essentials¨ category at a time like this?

well, there are good points and many fine people on both sides of that debate, but I submit that civilization itself likely formed around the cultivation of grains to make it so...yeah, kinda:

It was beer — not bread — a growing body of research shows.

Archaeologists have long hinted that Neolithic, or Stone Age, people first began growing and storing grain, like wheat and barley, to turn it into alcohol instead of flour for making bread. The hypothesis was recently revisited by writer Gloria Dawson in the science magazine Nautilus.

A botanist named Jonathan D. Sauer first posed the theory in the early 1950s. Sauer believed early farmers needed more incentive than just food to go through all the effort of planting and harvesting crops despite "the pitiful small return of grain." It was the discovery that "a mash of fermented grain yielded a palatable and nutritious beverage," he suggested, that "acted as a greater stimulant toward the experimental selection and breeding of the cereals than the discovery of flour and bread-making."
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