the thread about nothing...

Anyone here frequent shop on Grailed? Should listings older than a month be considered? Should I avoid listings from sellers with zero feedback?
toosie slide is a hit. I enjoy it.

And the new fionna apple getting a 10/10 on pitchfork seems excessive off 2 listens. But i get that I probably don't connect with it as much as a woman might. They also gave MBDTF a 10 which i think is dumb...but they gave kid A a 10 and i am alll the way on board with that.

Anyway....hope everyone is having a good sunday
u gotta see the full movie, it's somewhere on line:

At one point, i think/thought this movie had be banned in mad places. Larry a dark dark man, he def has been thru some things cuz the beginning and end of the film is od wild. Hell even kids is crazy crazy bugged. The one and only film that didnt really hit for me Wassup Rockers
Ignore him. Half that $#@& is just dumb attention seeking. He needs his audience.
I figured that’s what’s usually going on with him. Sad stuff to need attention that bad :smh:

it’s going be in the 90’s starting Wednesday
In Los Angeles
Will be outdoors then. I might tackle on my first sneaker restoration outside with an airbrush. I have some 2014 grey toe Jordan 13’s that need some work.
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