the thread about nothing...

Just realized that last month marked one year since my last oil change. It's supposed to be every 10k miles, but I'm still 500 miles away from the next interval. Taking it tomorrow.
How so? In a good or bad way?

I mean in both ways
People will really start to appreciate the little things such as going to the park and taking a walk on the beach and spending time with loved ones
But also, im assuming some people are gonna be socially awkward when everything opens up again. People won’t wanna spend money because times are uncertain. Some people might still be scared to go out and catch the virus still
People gonna change
Never heard of Grailed, might have to check it out. I tend to not buy resale so that site is new to me. Good tip!

You need to have your blood sugar tested. Just not now, I wouldn’t recommend you going anywhere near a NY hospital/clinic.
Sometimes you might be able to get it at retail or below retail. Just be careful with some hyped shoes being fake. But it seems like you don’t get caught up with hyped things so you should be good.
what are yall gonna do today
Woke up and had coffee with my girlfriend this morning, she went back to her place since she has a test to study for.
Did some stretching, cardio, and some pull-ups
:pimp: 'ed out of my new recycler bubbler and subsequently cleaned it
Rode my bike to the Italian pork store to grab some stuff for dinner
Cleaned up my place and did some paperwork I've been procrastinating on
Just cracked a beer, gonna spend the rest of the day cooking and relaxing

Happy Sunday, TAN
i think it’s a lot worst in NY than in LA right now.
i go running on a isolated bike path with a mask on.
Only leave my house for Market, Bank, restaurants, and the runs that keep me sane.

What you going to the bank for? Awful time to have cash
I don’t think going outside is a good idea right now

LA is not doing the numbers NY is. Lots safer here and everything is more spread out. Plus, the streets aren’t too crowded as many have chosen to stay in. Still, it’s a good idea to wear a mask in public.
LA is not doing the numbers NY is. Lots safer here and everything is more spread out. Plus, the streets aren’t too crowded as many have chosen to stay in. Still, it’s a good idea to wear a mask in public.
Yea, but if everyone just ain’t leave the crib for a month for absolutely no reason we’d be way better off
in a perfect world
I believe you.
Yes, but unfortunately people in this country are unwilling and unable to do so.
and as for places very spread out I get what y’all are trying to say but if you wanna kill the virus complete completely that month or even two won’t be the end of the world if that means completely getting rid of restrictions
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