the thread about nothing...

I had a 3 hour Interview one time from 9-12.
Met the manager, chairman, then ceo.
I thought I was doing phenomenal. Around 11 my stomach started growling. CEO offered me a banana and a chocolate bar😂 I was embarrassed.
Regaurdless i thought I had it in the bag.
A week later I got the “we went with another candidate” 😭
Ahh.. the ole banana and a chocolate bar test. I’ve been there
I had a 3 hour Interview one time from 9-12.
Met the manager, chairman, then ceo.
I thought I was doing phenomenal. Around 11 my stomach started growling. CEO offered me a banana and a chocolate bar😂 I was embarrassed.
Regaurdless i thought I had it in the bag.
A week later I got the “we went with another candidate” 😭
That's ******* ridiculous smh
I hate when that happens.. you feel like you kill the interview then they choose someone else
CEO on game. 3 moves ahead, son!
Prolly deduced from that banana/chocolate bar q that you're incompetent af!
bendover bendover
O!Yea.. This nt rn.
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Bezo's ex is now the riches woman on earth...she got a quarter of his amazon shares in the divorce...she is now the 12th richest person in the world

The amount of money Bezo's is worth is legit unfathomable to me. I honestly can't wrap my head around it. It literally makes no sense
We got rid of Garpax and fired Boylen. Bulls have a new front office. And Pip still not on the short list for possible new head coachs. 😡
I wouldnt want him to be either lol. This next hire needs to be a homerun. Not a gamble.

Heard dude got a wee bit of a drinking problem too.
I wouldnt want him to be either lol. This next hire needs to be a homerun. Not a gamble.

Heard dude got a wee bit of a drinking problem too.
Unless we're talking about someone who's won a chip or got to the playoffs as a head coach, then there is no such thing as a home run. Everyone's a gamble until they're not.

And he prolly has a drinking problem cause the Bulls are trash 🤣 😔
Is it safe to assume people make usernames just to sell for monetary gain?
Absolutely. But a general rule is that on popular platforms, every valuable name is taken already and likely has been taken since early after the very start of the platform.
They're referred to as "OG usernames", with OG not standing for Original as you might assume but instead for "Orginal Gangster"

How does one acquire valuable names then?
- By using programs like 'autoclaimers' that constantly scans a custom username list for availability and automatically registers it if it sees a username in the list is no longer taken. That can be because the owner changed or tried to swap it do a different account, or it could have been 'reset' as part of some platforms' policy to release usernames after an unspecified amount of inactivity. There is no fixed time limit to Instagram's reset policy for example, which is where the autoclaimer comes in.

-By illegal methods ranging anywhere from bruteforcing, 0day exploits, social engineering, extortion, SIM-swapping, fraudulent trademark applications, false obituaries, access to a platform's control panel functions via an inside employee, ....

Rich Arabs from the likes of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Dubai, ... are particularly obsessed with using IG, Twitter, Snapchat, ... usernames as a status symbol.
The ultimate status symbol username of course is having a single character/number/sign as your username. As I was once told by a wealthy Saudi during some other deal, the way they see it is that every Arab in their class of wealth can stunt with a bunch of supercars, huge houses, showing off tigers and lions, ... but when your username on Instagram is "G" (example), that's a truly unique status symbol for them.
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I went to dinner yesterday and saw a friend from high school at the restuarant.
i noticed he was balding as well.
idk why this gave me some comfort since I’ve completely shaved my head now.
made me realize these Are your 30’s
Chopped it up real quick with him. It was nice running into each other. Crazy how fast 10 years pass.
I went to dinner yesterday and saw a friend from high school at the restuarant.
i noticed he was balding as well.
idk why this gave me some comfort since I’ve completely shaved my head now.
made me realize these Are your 30’s
I feel your pain. I'm losing more hair every year as well. It's not balding yet, but it's in the process of getting thin. Didn't notice till I cut my hair short. Now I'm looking at everyone's head trying to compare.

Bezo's ex is now the riches woman on earth...she got a quarter of his amazon shares in the divorce...she is now the 12th richest person in the world

The amount of money Bezo's is worth is legit unfathomable to me. I honestly can't wrap my head around it. It literally makes no sense
Damn she’s the white Oprah now. :lol:

got permanently suspended from twitter for saying this:
What’s colder than cold??
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