the thread about nothing...

What today is just washed over me and I'm sitting here in shock that it was 19 years ago. Holy ****.

Feels both like it was (not gonna say yesterday) just a week ago but also forever ago.

This happened to my cousins brother-in-law & his fiance here in NY. They were suppost to get married this month but way back in April were informed all events for 2020 have been cancelled by order of the state including their wedding. I think the couple put down 20 grand in advance. They will not be seeing a penny of that money returned to em. In the contract it specifies no amount of $ will be returned under any circumstance + it says if for any reason the hall management cannot proceed with the scheduled event(s) extending the date to next year is always an option. These wedding hall people are not to be blamed I think especially if everything is explained in the contract. Once they get your signature on that contract you've legally agreed to all their terms & conditions. Just a ****ty situation to be in man. Extending dates & re-scheduling the whole event is no easy task, the bigger your guest list the bigger the rescheduling problems get. His bro-in-law & fiance settled for a mosque wedding at the end
This is VERY concerning to me. My homegirl posted one with her face on beyonce's body and I didn't know any better i would've thought it was her dancing. I can't believe people don't see the potential issues this can cause.
What can we do though? If it was up to me technology shouldn't have evolved beyond the Blackberry, Myspace era.
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