the thread about nothing...


1. I went out to support an associate who raps on the side the other night. While walking downtown after parking my car I realized I’m not into going out and haven’t been in years. Maybe not being able to due to Covid, made me forget. I got to the line and hit my friend up to let him know I was there and he replied he’d be there in “about” an hour. My bad for assuming he’d be there getting ready to go on stage or something, but I wasn’t trying to wait around by myself in a club with no intentions of drinking or socializing with strangers. I left before entering the club and felt so happy to be home drinking water before midnight.

2. Am I a grumpy old person now or has rap/hip hop fallen off to the point of no return? I’ve given some new music a try, but the streets are so involved in the music now that I feel weird about supporting the glorification of foul **** that comes with the music. Has it always been this bad and I was just a dumb kid not aware of the damage it was doing? I mean dudes are making music about actually killing people now and shooting videos of themselves pissing on people’s graves. I know there are alternatives, but most of them are corny. Most, not all.

3. I used to be optimistic about black people advancing in this country as a whole, but I’m not quite there anymore. When I look at average family income based on race, I get discouraged. We shoot ourselves in the feet sometimes and we’re in no position to be so relaxed. It feels like we take more steps back than we take forward at times. I acknowledge we’re not without flaws and fault. I’m tired of us being treated like babies and buying into that.

1.Know that feeling, it happened to me years ago, a little bit different though: I was outside waiting for an event to begin with some rapper, but because of social anxiety I had to leave the place, and I felt better at home, and each time I was at concerts of rappers I liked, I never felt comfortable because I dislike being with people, I like more individuals, dealing with one person at the time, talking about anything, be able to be more real, but the more people there is, the baddest I feel. So any concerts I did enjoy, it wasn't visible, stone face as I was unable to express anything. It was even weird I guess for an ex girlfriend with which I went to one concert as she knew I did like that rapper, plus as she even enjoyed the show...Sometimes our own compagny is more enjoyable as we could stay true to ourself 100 %

2.I think rap used to be rap, which means even if there was violence, it was about rythms, technicality, flow, poetry, delivery, art. It was not pop. It was rough. And about struggle, not necessary glorification but struggle to escape the ghetto. People used to complain about their problems but trying to get out of them. Now everything which is supposed to be negative is censed. Plus rap became like modern pop music. Claim quite disappeared. We used to grow with some rappers talking about dealing drugs in order to be rich and escape the misery, and since maybe 2010 I don't know, they're a lot of drug users. As if capitalism dream has been a little bit given up, but for what ? Mind escaping. If it's not possible to physically be far from misery, let's escape mentally...
Plus it was another time in which men got to be men, not kids. Nowadays we don't have that much need to act like men are supposed to do, so they can permit themselves to act like kids with some random beefs. Plus gangs I can only supposed as I'm not in the US. They seemed to be even more involved in hip hop than before, as there's a lot to money to make with it. I could be totally wrong, my point of view could be biased as I don't know a lot about this.

3.Causes and consequences, + reactions. Each time someone provokes us, we tend to react. Sometimes it could save life. Like in the streets. But sometimes to not react is a good reaction. As impulsivity could bring a lot of trouble. I learnt that from my work. Every time I'm emotionally thinking there, it goes against me. So I remain cold. When I can. And it's way more problems, people just dislike me for most of them but at least they're not taking me for an idiot as much as when I used to be "friendly" and emotive. Malicious people provoke, and people got to know instantly, due to each situation, does I have to react here, or would it be unprofitable ? As some cops could be racists and kill innocent and calm people, how could it be better to react a lot ? But if not reacting leads to be killed, why not reacting ? There's no solution here. We used to point the finger at some people overreacting, but if in the same time people who do the effort to stay calm finish by being killed, what's the message ? And by being treated like babies as you said, I think it could also go with some behaviours, black people got to not trying to please white people. Because slavery has been abolished, and if someone acts like a father with you, it couldn't work longer if you're not playing his game. I'm White but I have issues at several works because I used to take reproaches in consideration. Placing myself as someone having some duty towards a colleague. But that wasn't true. He was just a ####### and the more efforts I put in trying to do my job correctly, the most he harassed me. At the same time I had another colleague. The first one was adressing similar reproaches towards him. He just said yes or something and didn't give a ####. Resulting by remaining in peace. While i had to quit my job several years later due to a situation I, in some part, provoked by accepting what I didn't have to. Like people in couple, when you're mistreated, it could be because you let the other one think you don't deserve respect. So we got to love ourselves a lot and not trying to please anyone but ourselves. And it's easy for me as I'm not concerned, but I heard a lot of times people complaining about having to do more to get the same. But, as it's not something healthy, and as it has to no longer exist, how could it disappear if people accepted this ? Like people thinking "I'm Black so I got to stay discreet because of this, because if I draw the attention for bad reasons it would be easy for them to think black people this or that." In fact the problem is we're sometimes treated like what we think we are. Being Black or being White, I mean "strictly", no mixed of black and white, don't let a lot of choices, but when you could look like being a part of multiple races, and even if it's not true, why having to specify belonging to this one or this one ? Sometimes it is preferable to be considered as White, sometimes as Black, sometimes as Arab etc. Interesting fact when people doesn't really know if you're Arab or White for example is you can turn this to your advantage, like if they starting disrespecting you thinking you're Arab, let them think you're White, and the opposite is also true :lol: But looking only as a White or as Black doesn't permit that chameleon move :rofl:
So in order to save the world we got to finish all being Mixed :smokin
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Fresh pair I wouldn't be able to wear even if there was my size, we're not yet living somewhere you could wear pink as a man and didn't draw the attention :lol:
But so clean, everything perfect on it...####
I don't understand why they just didn't mandate masks at the very least. I mean I know why, cause it's texas, but still. Curious to see what the infected number will look like in the coming weeks :nerd:
they elected Ted Cruz for crying out loud. so I'm not even surprised anymore that this kind of stupidity exists.
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