the thread about nothing...

Somedays I wish Amerikkka wasn't in a hurry to open up again but then again we live in a hurry hurry world. No patience..
we just had a meeting yesterday at work regarding some recommendations on easing up on restrictions. basically, the higher ups received a very strong opposition saying the hell "NO". I also pointed out that we are doing so well at work without major incidents for the last few months and able to handle the danger during lockdown situations, complacency would be the downfall of all the hardwork and safety measures that we have done. management always have this sick notion just because it seems like we are doing so well that we should give it a try. problem is, they are not the ones that are there when all s**t breaks loose, we are. guess the higher ups are not paying attention enough or watching the news. the harrowing images in India and Nepal for example should be an enough warning. I must say, people in management should start fixing their priorities on what is really more important, not for personal benefit. we are all in this together. those who don't want to be a part of it should be sent to India for real up-close experience.
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this is amazing. can't believe I missed this remake of a game. never knew it existed. liked the original that came out in the 90s, wasn't able to finish because it was quite challenging.
played the first person shooter though maybe around 2012?, it was ok. concept was good but the execution was terrible.
anyways, now I have to find this game and download it.
Went out to watch the canelo fight
Bartender gave my boy and i complimentary shots.
He ended up taking both cuz I’m not drinking
My boy was lit as soon as the air hit him 😂
I hate ASMR so much, like polystyrene it gives me chills, and not good ones, and everytime people murmur in real life I wonder why they just talk if they don't feel comfortable enough to do it, just wait, because if you fear to be caught, what about being caught without assuming what you said :lol:

At least speak normally, and if you do get caught act like you're assuming :rofl:

Used to love that song but now this irritates me


Summer soon so I'ld be one of the rare people with mask on, surely it would have some recrudescence with the good weather, people...
Went out to watch the canelo fight
Bartender gave my boy and i complimentary shots.
He ended up taking both cuz I’m not drinking
My boy was lit as soon as the air hit him 😂
just watched the highlights. I dunno but is it a legit win or does it looked like Saunders took a dive? Mafia'd?
we just had a meeting yesterday at work regarding some recommendations on easing up on restrictions. basically, the higher ups received a very strong opposition saying the hell "NO". I also pointed out that we are doing so well at work without major incidents for the last few months and able to handle the danger during lockdown situations, complacency would be the downfall of all the hardwork and safety measures that we have done. management always have this sick notion just because it seems like we are doing so well that we should give it a try. problem is, they are not the ones that are there when all s**t breaks loose, we are. guess the higher ups are not paying attention enough or watching the news. the harrowing images in India and Nepal for example should be an enough warning. I must say, people in management should start fixing their priorities on what is really more important, not for personal benefit. we are all in this together. those who don't want to be a part of it should be sent to India for real up-close experience.
Same here at the beginning of the epidemic, France hadn't enough masks, so chief lied to us like there is no risk, this kind of blah blah didn't convince me and was quite revealing of the low consideration they had for people working in something more concrete, as they're just some kind of bureaucrats, I have nothing against people working at office but I hate when people permits to tell you in a patronizing way there is no risk, when they're just not concerned by it, but the fact it doesn't concern you doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And they're a lot to think like this. If they don't experiment something by theirselves, they minimize it. Like for situations with victims. They're always thinking like victims somehow deserved it. It could lead to a dangerous way of thinking...
I don't understand why they just didn't mandate masks at the very least. I mean I know why, cause it's texas, but still. Curious to see what the infected number will look like in the coming weeks :nerd:

Me whenever I see a large crowd on tv....
And since we all came from a woman
Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman
I wonder why we take from our women
Why we rape our women, do we hate our women?
I think it's time to kill for our women
Time to heal our women, be real to our women
And if we don't we'll have a race of babies
That will hate the ladies, that make the babies
And since a man can't make one
He has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one
So will the real men get up
I know you're fed up ladies, but keep your head up
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