the thread about nothing...

Not sure how I feel about those Beebop pics. Not a fan of Jets arm off those pics, I can be such a nerd at times I'm sure people will love it
Not sure how I feel about those Beebop pics. Not a fan of Jets arm off those pics, I can be such a nerd at times I'm sure people will love it
Ha Im wayy to caught up in the fact that Jet Black is actually black, as ive always thought he should be, to even care.
Ha Im wayy to caught up in the fact that Jet Black is actually black, as ive always thought he should be, to even care.
I always thought he was Japanese, in fact I never thought about this so clearly but not Black, especially with this beard and those eyebrows, and from what I remember the woman had more "torso" ^^ The dog seems similar, for the rest I'm not sure at all, I really wonder who they would take for playing Ed as he was some exhuberant extravagant androgyn teen

EDIT : according the Internet : Ed = she
I always thought he was Japanese, in fact I never thought about this so clearly but not Black, especially with this beard and those eyebrows, and from what I remember the woman had more "torso" ^^ The dog seems similar, for the rest I'm not sure at all, I really wonder who they would take for playing Ed as he was some exhuberant extravagant androgyn teen

EDIT : according the Internet : Ed = she
It was basically his voice lol. We knew what time it was. :lol: And Ed is definitely a she. She even said it in the show.
:lol: Somebody playing with their life this morning. Caught'em scoping out the undercarriage of my daily at 430 in the morning on my Ring....

They left before I came outside.

🙏 please come back
Looking at your cars undercarriage @ the stated time...most def was looking to steal your Catalytic converter for it's precious metals. It's been happening nation wide. They steal em & sell em because the metal is expensive. My brother's sister-in-law had hers stolen from her Accord 3 in the morning right outside of her house a week ago. The only reason she found out was because when she started up the car it sounded like a diesel powered bulldozer motor lol. Stay alert
Looking at your cars undercarriage @ the stated time...most def was looking to steal your Catalytic converter for it's precious metals. It's been happening nation wide. They steal em & sell em because the metal is expensive. My brother's sister-in-law had hers stolen from her Accord 3 in the morning right outside of her house a week ago. The only reason she found out was because when she started up the car it sounded like a diesel powered bulldozer motor lol. Stay alert
Car related thief’s < < < (or any thief, for that matter)
Vincent said it best: “I mean, you don’t **** with another man’s vehicle. It’s just against the rules.”

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