the thread about nothing...

Felt a bit productive today so I went and shot some iconic MJ photos with my action figure of him




Also here's a Jumpman shot

Just played to Quake III for the first time, it's very unleashing, now if they could redo it with modern graphics but old school simple gameplay that would be perfect
Love Unreal Tournament 3 graphics, game from 2007 and still eye catching

Just came back from Candyman
I figured from the first trailer that the main character had a connection to the original movie
And I was right :lol: :lol: :lol:

I liked it
My only gripe is that they tried to make Candyman a multiverse kind of thing
As if Candyman was a result of the same incidents happening to more than one person
That wasn’t even necessary especially if they were going to explain the original story anyway

They could have just went with that and had Tony Todd reprise the role throughout the entire movie
Especially with the main character and original being connected anyway
“Our pasta this evening is squid ravioli in a lemon grass broth with goat cheese profiteroles, and I also have an arugula Caesar salad. For entrees this evening, I have swordfish meatloaf with onion marmalade, rare roasted partridge breast in raspberry coulis with a sorrel timbale.”
Back home from the hospital.:pimp:
As expected, no explanation for the seizure and no abnormalities in my tests/scans aside from that big but benign brain cyst. It is what it is, by now I’m pretty used to unexplained medical issues :lol:

All things considered, I’ve been getting pretty lucky with the timing of these seizures. The last one was right before I was about to ascend my stairs and this time I was just on my couch watching tv.

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Back home from the hospital.:pimp:
As expected, no explanation for the seizure and no abnormalities in my tests/scans aside from that big but benign brain cyst. It is what it is, by now I’m pretty used to unexplained medical issues :lol:

All things considered, I’ve been getting pretty lucky with the timing of these seizures. The last one was right before I was about to ascend my stairs and this time I was just on my couch watching tv.

it's no joke. hit my grandaunt while she was behind the wheel...
Hope it gets sorted out.
et Bonne guérison!!!!!
Went to Lake George for a few days. Had a great time. Did plenty of activities. So different from living in the city & all the hustle & bustle. That fresh mountain air was so needed & refreshing. Did the lake steamboat cruise, dinner @ an Italian place, breakfast at a local pancake house, horseback riding earlier this morning, mini golf & so much more. Horseback riding was hands down my favorite. It was my first time doing it & I've been meaning to do it for a long time now so def glad I had the chance today. We had to wait on them to bring 2 of their biggest & strongest horses because me & my brother are both 6'+ over 230lbs lol but it was so worth it.
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