the thread about nothing...

In about 40-50 Souljaboy gonna be out here claiming he invited hip hop and folks are going believe him.
Coworker Elise reposted some of her nudes on her IG story again :lol:
Don't go commenting weird **** obviously
On this one, one early on and one somewhere towards the end.
If people are so concerned about content with horrible messaging, why do they continue to discuss & engage with that content, making sure that it gets more light, more discussion & reaches even more ears.
One thing about Kim that l like is that she's a good sport. She can take a joke without being offended... without at least seeming offended. I think that's one reason why she comes off as relatable and so many people watch her.
Are you awkward and weird? If so, then yes. If you're cool and collected then it won't look out of place. Don't you sit at a table with other people? Just chill and talk casual to them.
Socializing with strangers at a restaurant? I don't think that is a good idea in the Covid era
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