the thread about nothing...

Today's run




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was scouring thru craigslist today for something to splurge into and found a good to be true deal. ask for some cut on the price to be more acceptable so it was ok'ed. now the tricky part as to the meetup venue. I proposed somewhere close to me but seller asked if we could meetup somewhere else. one area was a hot zone for robberies in recent deals and police report, the other one was more secure but time raised quite the red flag like 11PM ? said person have hectic schedule but yeah tell me about it as I'm a family guy who works his butt off all the time. I made some modifications like willing to meet in a more busy public venue like a fastfood chain or coffee shop but not after 8PM and I mentioned it's best for both parties' safety for such an arrangement. still waiting for the reply after 4 hours. :rofl:
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