the thread about nothing...

Waiting on line for the Rebellionaire 1 release. Haven't been on a release line like this since the 2010 Flint XIIIs

The older people get do they just start fussing for no reason?

I’m up early on a Saturday after driving up here last night to take my mom to the airport. She’s supposed to be getting changed to leave and she fussing about knives being in the wrong order. How is this important right now when we need to leave!?
My mom worries about stupid stuff too.

I think it rubbed off on me in the opposite way because it takes a lot to get me worked up.
Have you tried these? The Pepsi vendor the other day told me they’re nasty and will be disco’d soon. Basically it’s just Pepsi with no carbonation.
I haven't tried.. I'm not a fan of the sugar but your comment really got me second guessing to even try them now..
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