the thread about nothing...

Fam its 110 in OKC right now

I did a hack I saw on Cheapskates. I have 2 pair of true religion jeans that ripped at the seat on me, so I dropped them off at Goodwill. Gonna go back in about 2 weeks and see if they fix them And put then out on the floor
I'd just die at that point. Yesterday was either the hottest or second hottest temperature I've ever experienced over here. Our climate is also relatively humid so that makes a heatwave feel even worse. We don't get the more bearable 'dry heat' with very low humidity.

Is 110°F where you're at something that is also seen as extremely far outside the bounds of normal hot weather? As in pretty much equal to the highest temperature ever measured in OKC?
If you're used to a naturally warmer climate, I assume it makes 110°F more bearable.
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Hell no. My depth perception is so bad that I really struggle catching a basketball at almost any range. I'd 1000% be sent to jail in that challenge.
I'm marginally better at throwing but I still can't accurately judge the distance.

Basically in any sport that requires accurately hitting or/and catching an object, I'm going to look ridiculous.
do your have vision problem? if you do, it might help wearing some prescription googles. other than that, it's all about practice and muscle memory. I had the benefit of starting early but still late at the same time compared to kids that were trained or conditioned to the sport. I just happened to love basketball that much that I even play in my sleep. my skills are far from perfect but I would say I'm above average or D3 to say the least. so how about football? what sport are you that confident with? chess?
I'd just die at that point. Yesterday was either the hottest or second hottest temperature I've ever experienced over here. Our climate is also relatively humid so that makes a heatwave feel even worse. We don't get the more bearable 'dry heat' with very low humidity.

Is 110°F where you're at something that is also seen as extremely far outside the bounds of normal hot weather? As in pretty much equal to the highest temperature ever measured in OKC?
If you're used to a naturally warmer climate, I assume it makes 110°F more bearable.
it could be bearable but is still hot. when I was a kld, I could tolerate something around 93F which was the normal temp. back then. as I got old, I became less tolerant to it and would get sick and suffer from migraine a lot. the new normal now is over 100F, which I could only imagine in a hot and humid climate. desert weather which is around 100F is burning but atleast tolerable as long as you stay out of the sun. humidity though is a killer.

anyways, I do way better in the cold than in the heat.
do your have vision problem? if you do, it might help wearing some prescription googles. other than that, it's all about practice and muscle memory. I had the benefit of starting early but still late at the same time compared to kids that were trained or conditioned to the sport. I just happened to love basketball that much that I even play in my sleep. my skills are far from perfect but I would say I'm above average or D3 to say the least. so how about football? what sport are you that confident with? chess?
I have to wear prescription glasses but I can see decently without them.

I only really played football casually with a few of my friends. It's so bad that for example when taking a penalty, I'd often miss the ball with my shot, even though it's laying perfectly still on the penalty spot. I did play chess in highschool and was decent at it but I never cared much for it.
Cycling and weightlifting are what I enjoyed the most, since they're not really affected much by my lack of depth perception. I wouldn't be able to judge distances in a car but on a bicycle it's not an issue.

My friends say they even notice the depth perception issue when playing Fifa and I end up misjudging an incoming goalkick or cross. :lol:
I'd just die at that point. Yesterday was either the hottest or second hottest temperature I've ever experienced over here. Our climate is also relatively humid so that makes a heatwave feel even worse. We don't get the more bearable 'dry heat' with very low humidity.

Is 110°F where you're at something that is also seen as extremely far outside the bounds of normal hot weather? As in pretty much equal to the highest temperature ever measured in OKC?
If you're used to a naturally warmer climate, I assume it makes 110°F more bearable.

It’s worse for you guys.

Mn for example is 90+ a lot of the time and so humid it’s foggy but we’re used to it and everything has ac.

I think we’re breaking heat records too but I hardly notice. After 90+ it’s all the same.
I grew up in a place called Bakersfield, California. Stayed 105+ all summer, alot of times getting 115+. The schools had outdoor hallways, we'd have PE Class outside in the heat. Immediately after school I'm at the park hooping. I was outside in the heat all the time growing up. Moved to Colorado over a decade ago and everytime I go back to visit I feel like my organs are cooking and I'm dying.
I have to wear prescription glasses but I can see decently without them.

I only really played football casually with a few of my friends. It's so bad that for example when taking a penalty, I'd often miss the ball with my shot, even though it's laying perfectly still on the penalty spot. I did play chess in highschool and was decent at it but I never cared much for it.
Cycling and weightlifting are what I enjoyed the most, since they're not really affected much by my lack of depth perception. I wouldn't be able to judge distances in a car but on a bicycle it's not an issue.

My friends say they even notice the depth perception issue when playing Fifa and I end up misjudging an incoming goalkick or cross. :lol:
guess boxing is out of the equation as well. :lol:

yeah, I guess it pretty limiting but it's not as bad as you pretty much didn't go thru that scenario where you played and trained all through your life and have those things taken away from you. although it does seem to be annoying being the odd person out because of your condition.
God damn the nostalgia hits hard sometimes.

It pains me that Activision basically canceled a remaster of Pro Skater 3 and 4 despite the success of THSP1+2. I played 4 more than all the other titles and loved the maps being so lively and interactive. 1 and 2 feel a bit lonely skating around without anyone else in the maps. But anyway, Rodney Mullen is the skateboard goat and that's a fact. Man is singlehandedly responsible for a vast majority of the flat ground tricks that skaters today use.
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