the thread about nothing...

I was him for Halloween last year. I drove to my brother's place with the windows down in the car wearing the costume & in character šŸ¤£. He sent me to pick up šŸ• at his local spot so I went. Being 6'2 260lbs I fill out the costume pretty well.

While waiting on the line for food through my peripheral vision I saw this young girl no older than 8 that kept staring at me...I turned my neck to look her way & she lost it. She started hysterically crying & yelling MOMMY I WANT TO LEAVE, NOW!!! :rofl: . I felt so bad because I wasn't trying to scare her & I repeatedly apologized to her mother who just kept laughing & laughing, lol.

Ngl, felt good though to feel the power of my costume lol & to know I got my money's worth. All in all it was like $130- it did it's job


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Any LA Nters travel the new 6th street bridge yet? Barely a week and a half open and already folks acting a fool. Takeovers, people climbing the arches, some dude was giving a haircut in the middle of the damn bridge, car accidents, you name it! This Dodge was doing a burnout or something, hit another car and crashed. Dude grabbed his backpack and walked away. He probably thought he could claim it was stolen and wasnā€™t him. Thankfully, there was a clip of him exiting the car and leaving. Eventually, just turned himself in.

ā€œHello? This is Jonah Jameson, roger, over. Is thing on? Listen, SCOOP, crime reports are coming in from all over the city and Iā€™m starting to get worried. Did you see that? The Spider Signal! With Spiderman nearby, trouble canā€™t be far away. And you know what trouble means. Headlines! National coverage! So donā€™t screw this up! I mean, uh, good luck.ā€
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