the thread about nothing...


Crazy how we lose people right before New Years.
note to self:

people will label you without any regard of the **** that they don't see behind the curtain. so it's best to assure and secure yourself that you're more than that, and any mistake/s that you made before and make from here on out won't define you, as long as you wholeheartedly learn from them
I hated getting hair on my sneakers after a haircut.

Now I cut my own hair at home and I’m barefoot while doing it. Power on the shop vac and boom, done.
How do you do the proper blend/fade and get the back?
Just had an interesting encounter at work right now. As I'm exiting the building with my recycle bin this lady is coming in through the same door. I said you come first & I reversed back with my push bin. As she makes her way in her eyes are piercing me & she says "I remember you" & I say "You do? 🤔" she goes "Yeah, you had my car towed."

I'm like no I did not :lol: & she goes yeah you had them tow my car. I'm like lady I've never seen or met you before in my life, you're confusing me for someone else. I'm like look at me I'm pushing a garbage bin here...does a tow truck driver do that or a maintenance man? She was stuck on stupid I wished her a happy new year & kept it moving, lol. Where the F do these weirdos come from? I swear I can't with some people :lol:.
Is it just me or do movies when watching at home example netflix you can barely hear what they are saying. So you turn it up for a action scene to come on and it be too damn loud. Like i have to watch shows with headphones or i wont hear half of what they saying without subtitles smh
Is it just me or do movies when watching at home example netflix you can barely hear what they are saying. So you turn it up for a action scene to come on and it be too damn loud. Like i have to watch shows with headphones or i wont hear half of what they saying without subtitles smh

You're not the only one, it's the way the audio is mixed. They are optimized for the theater and those giant front facing speakers and not home tv's which generally have the speakers in back or pointing downward.
You're not the only one, it's the way the audio is mixed. They are optimized for the theater and those giant front facing speakers and not home tv's which generally have the speakers in back or pointing downward.

I even had a home theater setup 7.2 with the same issues i use to think my amp wasnt powerful enough to push my center channel

So i did a quick google and this is one long *** article to explain this has been becoming an issue for the last 10 years because i sure dont remember having this problem with older movies

I even had a home theater setup 7.2 with the same issues i use to think my amp wasnt powerful enough to push my center channel

So i did a quick google and this is one long *** article to explain this has been becoming an issue for the last 10 years because i sure dont remember having this problem with older movies

Yeah I read this article a little while ago & its a great read actually. Some stuff is hyper specific ie Nolan/Hardy making specific choices but largely its the streaming sites not doing the mixing right or tv's doing weird conversions with the audio. But hey your sound setup is way better than mine so 🤷‍♂️
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