the thread about nothing...

Taiwanese Blue Magpie
reddit is no longer allowing third party apps to be a part of reddit so people/mods are privatizing their subreddits as a form of protest.

kind of stupid because if reddit wanted to they could just open up the sub reddits any time they want and ban the mods/remove their permissions lol

That’s exactly what the CEO is now threatening, referring to their volunteer moderators as “landed gentry” while treating them like sharecroppers:

Within the same article, the CEO treats communities on the platform as wholly owned entities, whose founders/moderators may be removed at ownership’s whim, and yet floats the possibility of revenue sharing, and for sub-reddits to “be able to be businesses if they choose.” When every aspect of “your” business is owned and controlled by someone else, you’re not a business owner; you’re a gig worker.

We ran into roughly this same problem on ezboard/Yuku in 2010, and fortunately we were able to collectively escape rather than allow some inept penny stock pretenders to seize everything we’d worked so hard to build together before driving the platform into the dirt.

There are a lot of cesspools on reddit, but I know that many people here have sections they enjoy, too, and I feel for the users whose community experience is now impaired by yet another tech bro’s IPO dreams.

Hopefully the best of these sub-communities will gain their independence.
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