the thread about nothing...

Seeing this woman live. And the fact I brought my mom out from Cleveland to see it. Man
That’s like $40 a month. Gotcha. I mean **** man if they don’t contact you continue lol.
Yeah thats when they usually get the payments is when they call 🤣. They already know what time it is and dont pester. They leave the voicemail after i reject the call 🤣 login and see what i can spare at the moment.

Its wild how the hospitals bill you tho. You get one main bill, then individual bills for each doctor and specialist too. Like i got hit with cardiologist bills, er doc bill, neurologist, ambulance ect ect. I got hit with like 8 additional bills. Insurance covered almost all of those but i still owed them a $2500 deductible 🤣🤦🏾‍♂️. Plus the hospital never gave me back my cool grey IVs 😡
High thought but I really wish America would adopt a 10 hour 4 day work week to give us an extra day. 2 days ain’t enough and I stay late most of the time anyway. Make it happen Biden, if not I’m tapping out in 10 years and trying my hand at entrepreneurship. I’m already tired in my 30’s.
this is what i work and it’s so much better
TIL an air lift to a hospital could cost you $15,000 after insurance. Obviously it depends on what your insurance covers...but that's a nice little bill to try and stay alive. Hey, we saved your life...that'll be 200K out of pocket please.

Girl I used to date, her dad was a bodybuilder back in the 70’s/80’s. Did every drug invented to stay at the top of the game.

That abuse caught up with him and he started having tons of health complications. One time he had to do some sort of brain surgery. I guess in the middle of it, there was some major accident and none of the staff was qualified to fix the mistake.

Dude had to be airlifted to OHSU. Which is like a 2 hour drive so I’m sure the flight was super quick. Anyways the heli trip, plus the cost of his brain surgery’s actually bankrupted his insurance company. Those life flight costs are no joke.
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