the thread about nothing...

Finally got this cd off my wanted list. I’m listening to it and I like it. It’s better than Tha Dogfather album that’s for sure :lol:

This is weird behavior to me.

Posted this earlier, but it made me think: what makes them think it's ok to talk to people that way... Then l realized that they may have had a male in their life talked to them that way. Dude was obviously trolling; baiting them, but the responses were kinda overboard imo. Wonder how that would fly at a raiders game.
So this is a story. They're saying that this contact made her uncomfortable. It does look like she didn't like it but didn't want to appear rude by moving away. I could see him doing the same thing to a man so l don't think he was trying to be flirty. Honestly, I wouldn't want anyone touching me like that either.

It's a sticky dynamic. Have to be extra careful with anything dealing with women in the works bc they can say literally anything makes them uncomfortable. There are so so so so many exceptions and grey areas
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He probably had her...AND he got to leave. Really think we're losing sight of the forest beyond the trees when it comes to how good Will has it.

He took a L...we all do at some point.
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