the thread about nothing...

Damn, I had no idea had pants had pants was black.

Wordle 868 4/6

I got the first 4 letters on the 3rd try, too... and then completely bombed. 🤣
I keep forgetting that letters can repeat. Two Wordles in a row with repeat letters. 🤦🏻‍♂️ This is only my 8th day in the row. Are repeat letters common? kdawg kdawg

Wordle 868 6/6

I got the first 3 on the 3rd try, too... and then completely bombed. 🤣
I keep forgetting that letters can repeat. Two Wordles in a row with repeat letters. 🤦🏻‍♂️ This is only my 8th day in the row. Are repeat letters common? kdawg kdawg

Wordle 868 6/6

It’s not uncommon I’ll say, usually if I’m in a rut I’ll start trying that and it unlocks it.
I got the first 4 letters on the 3rd try, too... and then completely bombed. 🤣
I keep forgetting that letters can repeat. Two Wordles in a row with repeat letters. 🤦🏻‍♂️ This is only my 8th day in the row. Are repeat letters common? kdawg kdawg

Wordle 868 6/6


It’s not that unusual - and catch you out as you discovered. The other one that gets me is runs of 3 vowels.
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