the thread about nothing...

I guess if you’re affected by the flu it means you’re still throwing up.

But once you’re past the flu, one of the effects of the flu was you throwing up.

It’s weird, I’ve heard English is one of the hardest languages to learn and master once you’re an adult. Bro I can’t learn Spanish for my life, I’ve tried. :lol:
Crashed my bike for the first time in forever today.

Woke up early and thought I’d get a good start on the day with some moderate exercise. It was only about 30° but I stuck to the main roads which were salted and fine - right until the end when I took a road I use all the time because it’s quieter - but the corner was an ice rink. Thankfully was barely moving and no significant damage other than a good bruise on my hip and a scratched brake lever. It was so icy that I just slapped down and then slid along the road for a bit - even my jacket and pants don’t have a mark I can see.

Learned that lesson though - I’ll stick to after lunch rides when the temperature is like this.
I had major falls back in 2022, around November and December. 5X to be exact and it was just walking on the sidewalk and road. so annoying when the city doesn't do their due diligence on maintaining public safety.
How old are you guys? I've been reading through typos for so long that you're/your or there, their, they're don't bother me at all. I notice. And I'm aware of the proper usage. But stops me in my tracks? Nah. Small mental note at most.
it's not just about the age.
But don’t you question whether those people should have their point just discarded and disregarded when you see it? :lol:
Nah. Some of it is ignorance, but A LOT of it is auto correct.


The policy states that minors under the age of 18 “must compete as their birth gender” in weight classes outlined in the rulebook. Transgender women over 18 can only compete in the female category if they undergo genital reassignment surgery and submit quarterly hormone tests for at least four years following surgery.
Today is one of those days where I don't feel like going to work, but I don't want to stay home all day either. Did that yesterday, tbh. Marathoning Cyberpunk.
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