the thread about nothing...

If I go to Italy I'm not eating Americanized Italian food. Why go to Italy and settle for spaghetti and pizza. But I'm 42 and Florida is the farthest I've ever been so I'm not too worried 😂🤷🏾‍♂️
On my way home from work my phone wouldn’t play so I was flicking through digital radio stations (which is still pretty new to me). Stopped on a station marked as “oldies” and it was playing stuff from the 90s.

I guess that’s the same as me listening to Oldies 93 (WBBG) in 1995 and them playing stuff from the 60s.

Hit me pretty hard though!
God damn. I just tried to watch a YT video from this guy "SniperKicks" and holy christ. Are his videos made for the deaf, dumb, and blind? Or for infants and the mentally deficient? Dude talks like the adult on a kids show, but with uncomfortably long fingernails and poor grammar. Back the **** off the camera lens and talk to me like I have more than a 54 IQ. Will certainly go back to ignoring his content immediately.
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